Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.1.1

One day in and we’re bringing our first big patch!

Thank you to everyone for the feedback! We’re taking Early Access very seriously, and we really wanted to get the biggest feature requests and bugs in ASAP. Critical lock bugs were addressed first, then we hit the biggest community requests, and then we hit balance stuff.

Also, we’ve added a new spell!

- The Cellar Door Dev Team

**IMPORTANT** To add in D-Pad support, and allow for more button bindings, all button configs had to be reset to default. Sorry about this!


  • NEW SPELL -Flame Barrier: The most used spell from RL1 is back! We were able to fix a few bugs with it yesterday, and we’re confident to push it live! Like all spells, we’ve added a few more nuances to it for those interested in min-maxing.

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST - D-Pad Support: You can now play with your D-Pad and aim with Right Stick.

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST - Classic RL1 Dashing: In the Settings you can now set Dash Direction to be like classic RL1. LT/Q to dash left, and E/RT to dash right.

  • Disabled Traits: Optical Migraine, Near-sightedness, and Panic Attack have been disabled as they were giving some people headaches. Side bonus, it now lets other more interesting traits appear more frequently, so we might keep them out forever.

  • Vampirism Rune Redesign: We implemented a new Vamp system, that was starting to break in a lot of situations. Coupled with the Enchantress UI bug, and it felt awful. We’ve changed it so you get 2hp per kill now.

  • COMMUNITY (FIX) - Unsupported Controllers Bugfix: Technically not a feature, but it was affecting a lot of people. It was a complicated problem, but we think we’ve fixed it. Almost all controllers should be supported now!

  • COMMUNITY (FIX) - Impossible rooms: Fixed a bunch of soft lock rooms. Biome generation is a lot more complicated, so thank you for finding these for us!

  • COMMUNITY (FIX) - Dwarfism lock: Fixed issue where going through rooms with dwarfism would sometimes make you go through the walls when transitioning rooms.

  • COMMUNITY (FIX) - Heirloom loading: Fixed issue where entering an heirloom would not correctly load the room.

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST - Spell Damage Buffs!: Spells in RL2 are made to be a little more utility driven. Given the right situations, and they can really shine. This adds a huge learning curve to magic, which means most people are underperforming with it. We’re buffing the damage on almost ALL SPELLS to compensate.


A lot of these classes are pretty well balanced at the high levels, but many players are coming in with dozens of hours on the knight. That veteran experience makes all the other classes feel much weaker. We’ve added a bunch of QoL tweaks to make them better without breaking the game (hopefully).

Barbarian Buff: Lock out duration for air attacks, and ground attacks decreased. Air attacks exits out slightly faster than the ground attack.

Archer Buff: Lock out duration for arrow attacks decreased. You can now do some crazy aerial acrobatics!

**Mage has been buffed from the new FlameBarrier spell, and the global spell damage buffs. We still have a few more tweaks we want that will take more work to implement.


  • Optimizations done for Memory Heirloom. Should be smoother for most.

  • A whollle lotta typos fixed. Thanks everyone! I suck at writing.


  • Fixed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome applying to weapons. Sorry!

  • Fixed a bug in the Bridge to Forest Transition room which would spawn player off map.

  • Fixed Cartographer Trait exploit, where you could centre on player.

  • Fixed Knight shield block exploit where you could abuse animation breaks.

  • Fixed Enchantress Shop showing wrong values for runes.

  • (Possible Fix) Players would sometimes get hyper gravity after dying with a low gravity character. We’ve added some failsafes.

  • Fixed Archer not aiming properly when they had vertigo.

  • Fixed Spear Knight expert not attacking.

  • Fixed Ice Elementals not using the proper attack (they are temp)

  • Fixed bug with Aimer snapping back to the left if you were aiming down+left and let go.

  • Fixed a crash bug with reading a journal in a fairy room after you had failed it.

  • Fixed bug where dashing and opening chests would soft lock you.

  • Fixed Ivy Platforms counting as “teleportable ground” when hitting water.

  • Fixed traits like Glaucoma not properly following the player when camera is zoomed out.

  • Removed keyboard arrow keys as illegal characters in the key bindings.

  • Buffed the magnet distance for the Magnesis rune.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.1.1a (hotfix)