Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.1.2 – Accessibility and you!

The accessibility patch is here, to help people ease into the game. More button bindings, deadzone support, laptop support, and more! Also a few more optimizations for people with low spec computers having FPS issues, and people with (super) high spec computers having stuttering. This is just cleanup before we dig deep into lower level optimization.

We had to reset button configs again in order to support some of the accessibility features people have requested. Sorry about that again!


  • Remapping Update - Modifier keys like CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT are now re-bindable. This was due to a bug where they system was checking for combination inputs (like SHIFT+X). Left Shift is now the default spinkick button. (We accidentally double bound it before)

  • Deadzone Support - For people with loose controllers, a new deadzone feature should help lower the sensitivity on your sticks.

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST: Quick Drops - It was disabled for a patch, and now it makes its triumphant return! We fixed out all the kinks to the Quick Drop, so for those who enjoy only pressing down to drop… Well, enjoy!

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST: Keyboard Aiming (Laptop/No Mouse Support) - Better support for people on the go. You can now enable 8 direction aiming via movement keys on the keyboard for those who don’t have access to a mouse.

  • COMMUNITY (FIX): Backup Saves Failure & Corruption & Optimization - Fixed a bug where backup saves were not behaving as intended. We’ve also implemented better handling for saving and loading from the main menu. Also fixed a bug where save files with no backup data would cause a crash.

  • COMMUNITY (FIX): Save/Load Failure Crash - Fixed a bug where failing to load a save file would cause a crash.

  • Multi-Monitor Support - Your mouse will now stay inside the game if you have multiple monitors.


Some early improvements to performance. Only surface level fixes. With the release of the latest patch off our To-Do list, we will begin work on lower level optimizations.

Mage tweak is still in development, we require a bit more time, and we might be able to eke it in if we need to release another hot patch or something.


  • Improved how the display mode is set when launching the game.

  • Vertigo flip input reverted.  Down is down again (even though it’s up?)

  • Damage dealt by healing room now clamped to 1.  So if you have 1 hp you’ll no longer survive.

  • COMMUNITY REQUEST: Magnesis no longer pulls potions and meat.

  • More physics added to props to fix floating issues.


  • Fixed player arrows being marked as enemy projectiles.

  • Fixed a display rounding error.

  • Fixed bug with Tunnel vision not reaching the edges of the screen if camera pulled out.

  • Fixed bug where people were exceeding the Universal Health Care limit

  • Fixed a bug where certain traits (like Hollow Bones) would get disabled after entering an heirloom.

  • Fixed a bug where touching two snowmounds would give you perma slow.

  • Fixed Associative Agnosia blacking the character when entering heirlooms or hidden walls.

  • Room knockout prevention no longer applies for bottom doors.

  • Fixed bug where disattuned was not making the player black.

  • Fixed bug where starting a new save profile would inherit your previous seed.

  • Fixed bug where some Fairy chests would start openable even though objectives were not met :X

  • Fixed bug where some Fairy Rooms could be reset to an unfailed state by exiting and entering.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.1.2a (hotfix)


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.1.1a (hotfix)