Rogue Legacy 2 – v1.1.0 – The Fabled Heroes Update

The Fabled Heroes update is now live, and we’re coming in with a BANG. Months of work on optimization is finally bearing fruit with a massively improved player experience. We’ve more than doubled performance with a completely revamped game engine, and these changes alone could justify a major patch or two. But we didn’t stop there. New Weapons, new Relics, new Traits, new Spells, new House Rules, new Burdens, a rehauled NG+, new game balance, and so much more has been squeezed into our latest update.

Getting the game performing better on consoles and lower end PCs was a ton work, and brought a dizzying amount of new bugs. We believe we’ve fixed them all, but we’re a small team and RL2 is a big game. Some things may have slipped through the cracks, and for that, we apologize in advance. We’ll be keeping a close eye in the coming days for any issues you folks may come across, so please be patient. We promise we’re doing our best. 😊

Thank you all again, and we hope you enjoy everything we’ve put into the Fabled Heroes update!

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Weapons, Spells, and Relics Galore – Tons of new Weapons and Spells are coming down the pipe for you to add to your repertoire. From big community requests like the Lich King’s Crow Staff, to more eclectic weapons like a haunted Umbrella, the latest update has a ton of neat new items to show off. We’re also making the experience even wilder with new Relics that really take the cake. We hope you’re as big a fan of these new additions as we are!

  • NG+, and Fixing the Flow Tons of gameplay changes have been made based on community feedback. We’ve rehauled the Biome Burdens to give players more control in how they tweak the NG+ experience, while also adding a ton of new choices to really customize each adventure. If you haven’t stepped into NG+ before, now is a great time, and if you’re a vet, there’s a whole new set of challenges that await you.

  • A Braver, Newer World – We’ve gone over biome generation to make every area more rewarding and let players creep more power if they invest in full clears.

  • More Risk/More Reward – We’ve also made massive changes to red portals to make the decision-making more dynamic. Their difficulty has been bumped up, but their rewards have significantly increased as well. On top of the gold chest, clearing these bad boys will now net you a Health tree and a Relic room to boot.

  • Play Your Way – Even more options have been added to the House Rules, to allow for the most curated experience ever. We’re also including the oft-requested option to reset your Skill Tree if you ever feel your money was not well spent.

  •  Engine Rehaul Considering how important movement is to a player’s success in Rogue Legacy 2, better performance was always a major goal of ours. We’ve finally had the opportunity to strike this off the bucket list, and a single note in the Patch Highlights doesn’t do justice to how much work was actually put into improving the experience. No part of the game was left untouched, with many of the fundamental systems completely rebuilt. Of course, this meant potentially breaking much of what wasn’t broken before, and while we’ve done our best to ensure the experience remains unchanged (other than making things run a lot smoother), we suspect a few bugs may have slipped through.

  • Even More for the Masses – Now that RL2 has been released on the Nintendo Switch, we're working on native versions for Mac and Linux that we hope to have ready soon. And as a sweet cherry on top, the game has been fully translated in Japanese!


New Fabled Weapons

  • Stygian Sharpshooters. Find the best angles, and bring the pain to your foes with the power of ricochets. Hope you didn’t skip math class!

  • Lich King/Queens. The fan favourite from Rogue Legacy 1 returns. Wield the power of the almighty Crow Storm staff and turn your foes into bird food - magic bird food!

  • Brigands. Switch sides and arm yourself with the powerful blunderbuss and send foes flying with this shotgun-like weapon. Just be careful of the recoil.

  • Demon Tamers. Let the monsters fight for you! Partner up with the umbrella shaped Kasa-Obake and Mary Poppins your way to victory.

  • Eventide Spymasters. Poison your foes as you strike from the shadows with these new weapons borne from the teeth of a certain dragon.

Class Health (Buff)
Making the early game a little easier, without affecting late game.

  • Raised Grace HP from 100 to 150 (All classes). Grace HP is special health that is not affected by modifiers of any kind, including Class Passives.

Barbarian (Tweak)
Tuning the brutes to be a touch less binary.

  • Axe Attack (Buff): +5% STR scaling on aerial spin attack (high tic rate, means small increases lead to big gains).

  • Axe Attack (Nerf): -10% STR scaling on Ground strikes.

Dragon Lancer (Buff)
Some DPS tweaks to make sure the Dragon Lancer have an easier time with Estuaries, and a big QoL buff to Bastion.

  • Backblast Attack (Buff): Increased STR scaling from 180% to 200%.

  • Charge Attack (Buff): Increased additive INT scaling from 150% to 160%.

  • Charge Attack (Buff): Decreased charge rate SLIGHTLY (a slight grace for people with perfect timing).

  • Bastion (Buff): Now generates a shield at the front and a shield at the back.

Pirates (Big Buff)
These scallywags were not as dastardly as they needed to be, so we’re upping their power all around.

  • Cannon Attack (Big Buff): Attack speed increased significantly. Swing fast and arm your cannon faster! This’ll help make the Pirate feel nice and buttery smooth, like a freshly buttered deck.

  • Crow’s Nest (Big Buff): The boat now blocks all mid-sized projectiles. Now you can be a captain that doesn’t have to worry about going down with your ship (not that a pirate would do that).

Bard (Buff)
The Bard requires more thought when engaging in combat, so we’re buffing the note duration to give you some more time to think.

  • Lute (Buff): Increased the damage scaling of stationary Lute notes from 25% STR scaling to 30% STR scaling.

  • Lute (Buff): Increased lifespan from 5s to 6s.

New toys to play with, and buffs to some of the lower played ones.

Lucent Beam (New)

  • Hold your ground with this new high risk, high reward Spell.

Shield of Thorns (New)

  • Next level protection with a thorny twist.

Dragon’s Bellow (Buff)

  • Skill Crit trigger activation time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

  • INT scaling raised from 90% to 100%.

Lightning Storm (Big Buff)
This is now the penultimate anti-air.

  • Increased vertical size SIGNIFICANTLY.

  • Increased base hitbox to make it easier to strike small adjacent enemies.

  • Now causes the screen to shake.

We’re bringing a big update to Relics, raising the count above 75!  That’s a lot of Relics.  Plus, we’ve buffed a bunch of old ones along with adding the new.

Mammon's Bounty (New)
Take the plunge!

  • Grants random Relics and bonus Resolve.

Silk Slippers (New)
Welcome, Bard.

  • Spin Kicks grant Dance Stacks.

Nerdy Glasses (New)
We wanted to encourage players to keep playing with some of the Visual modifiers in the game without enforcing a full run of them.  If you’re lucky, you can now remove the visual modifiers while still retaining the gold bonus!

  • Removes Visual Impairments.

  • Only appears if the player has a Visual Impairment of some kind.

Ananke's Grace (New)
We are introducing new forms of mobility earlier on while also letting players bring stuff like the Triple Jump and Air Dash into Erebus Scar Challenges.

  • Grants a bonus Air Dash.

  • Only becomes available if the player has earned the Air Dash Heirloom.

Aether's Grace (New)
See above.

  • Grants a bonus Double Jump.

  • Only becomes available if the player has earned the Double Jump Heirloom.

Cloak of Eventide (New)
New ways of evading attacks.

  • Standing still grants cloak.

Monkey's Paw (New)
A new way to allow people to better curate their builds.

  • Grants bonus rerolls and disables room reroll cap.

Tattered Rope (New)
We want to encourage players to grab more Relics, so we’re adding in new Curses to help you build the best you.

  • Gain bonus Resolve, but you take increased damage from Hazards.

Azure Aegis (New)
Tank Mages.

  • A percentage of incoming damage is redirected towards your Mana bar.

Feathered Cap (New)
Welcome, Duelist.

  • Casting your Talent grants Charged.

Star Sling (New)

  • Casting your Talent or Spell fires off a bolt.

White Beard (New)
Welcome, Mages.

  • Attacks apply Mana Leech.

Transmogrificator (New)
Our favourite new Relic.

  • Change your character up.

Heron's Ring (Buff + QoL)

  • Damage modifier now applies if player goes below 125% Resolve.

  • Icon now appears in damage pop-up whenever Heron's Ring triggers.

Raven's Ring (Buff + QoL)

  • Damage modifier now applies if player goes below 125% Resolve.

  • Icon now appears in damage pop-up whenever Raven's Ring triggers.

Freon’s Reward (Buff)
This is a fun Relic, but wasn’t strong enough mid-game, and became useless as Runes became more powerful. With the changes to health restoration, we’re buffing Freon’s to make it a more viable and more consistent form of life gain.

  • INT scaling increased from 100% to 120%.

Weighted Anklet (Buff)

  • STR scaling increased from 40% to 60%.

Lamech's Whestone (Buff)

  • Duration raised from 2.5s to 3s.

  • Whetstones can now be stacked (bug fix).

Heavy Stone Bargain (Buff)

  • Attack lockout duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

  • Pistol attack speed reduction reduced.

Lachesis’ Measure (Nerf)
With the influx of “simpler” Skill Crits, Lachesis has been hitting well above its weight. 

  • Lifesteal reduced from 6% to 5%.

War Drums (Nerf)
Too strong for too long. Also, with the introduction of several new Relics + Mammon’s Bounty, the power creep has reached insane new heights.

  • Now only has a max stack of 1.

  • Damage gain per Relic down from 6% to 4%.

Heavy Stone Bargain (Tweak)
With the introduction of many new “slow-firing weapons”, HSB has been slowly becoming the “binary” Relic. A must-have with some weapons, and worthless on others.  So we’re tweaking it to be more viable across a wider spectrum of weapons. 

  • Damage Increase reduced from 200% to 150%.

  • Attack CD reduction reduced from 1.5 to 1.25.

Restoring life gets a little unstable at around NG+2, and then gets REALLY wonky in the super-late-game experience (NG+10 and beyond). We’re adjusting health sustainability to reduce the importance of Runes, while also making Health drops, Health Trees, and Relics as more viable forms of health restoration. There are also changes to Lifesteal and Soulsteal to make things more balanced, which is explained in more detail in the MISC Changes section.

Lifesteal Rune (Nerf)
Lifesteal is still uber dominant from NG+2, and becomes absolutely destructive at around NG+10 and beyond. We’re tweaking the late NG’s without hitting the early game. 

  • Lifesteal scaling reduced from +4% STR to +3% STR. The SAFETY LIMIT of +1 minimum per Rune still applies, so this will not affect most NG+0 or NG+1 playthroughs.

  • Lifesteal now has a hard limit cap of 10 HP PER RUNE (this ONLY affects NG+15 and beyond).

Soulsteal Rune (Nerf)
Same reasons as Lifesteal.

  • Soulsteal scaling reduced from +4% INT to +3% INT. The SAFETY LIMIT of +1 minimum per Rune still applies, so this will not affect most NG+0 or NG+1 playthroughs.

  • Soulsteal now has a hard limit cap of 10 HP PER RUNE (this ONLY affects NG+15 and beyond).

Retaliation Rune (Nerf)
With the influx of new Relics that increase survivability, PLUS all the new ways for players to obtain Relics, the synergies have gotten out of hand. Retaliation was never meant to be a finisher, and with all these changes, grabbing enough Health Trees and Armor allowed players to tank bosses (once again).

  • Retaliation scaling reduced from 75% VIT to +60% VIT.

  • Retaliation now has a hard limit cap of 200 DMG PER RUNE (this ONLY affects NG+15 and beyond).

Health Drops (Buff)

  • Health and Mana potion drop odds increased slightly. This is to offset the HP gain from Lifesteal/Soulsteal nerfs.

Health Tree Changes (Change)

  • Seed Bonus reduced from 15% bonus max HP to 12%. This is to help alleviate the influx of new Trees that have been added to the game. In general, you’ll still be getting a LOT more max HP if you take the gamble.

Changes Listed Elsewhere
Reiterating some changes that appear in other parts of the patch notes to give everyone a better overall picture.

  • Freon’s Reward was buffed (explained in Relics Section).

  • More Health Trees due to Red Portal Changes (explained in Red Portal Changes


  • Forgetful (New): All dropped items now have a lifespan.

  • Kanganthropy (New): Spin Kicks deal bonus damage, but you always super bounce.

  • Inter-dimension (New): Most projectiles now pass through walls.

  • Spooky (New): You see dead people.

  • Festive (New): You see happy dead people.

  • Fun-gi (New): Not sure what this one does.

  • Compulsive Gambler (Buff): Raised Gold gain bonus from 25% to 50%.


  • Japanese: Japanese has been added. Translated by the lovely people at 8-4.

Some major changes have been added to the player in order to improve their snappiness and game-feel. 

Attack Flip Check Update
Players aren’t perfect. They’ll press an input too late, or do a series of actions slightly out of order. To make the game feel better we sometimes try and infer what the player’s intentions are, and perform the INTENDED action vs the actual one. The Attack Flip Check is one of those major systems, but due to the complexity of 20+ weapon types, there were certain situations where it was failing to trigger.  We’ve cleaned the logic up to make it much more responsive.

  • Updated the Attack Flip Check logic to weed out some false negatives.

  • Fixed an issue with Attack Flip Checks where the check was being disabled in certain situations.

  • Fixed an issue where Attack Flip Check was failing to initialize on certain weapons. :X

Red Portals always sat in a strange spot where their entire value was based on Gold Chests, meaning they became less relevant the further the player progressed. It also meant that stumbling upon a Red Portal often did not elicit interest from players. To address this, we’ve greatly improved the reward for completing one, making them THE primo room to find.  Early playtests have shown that the number of people that skip Red Portals has reduced significantly.  They’ve also shown a lot more players dying in Red Portal rooms 😊.

New Reward System

  • Completing a Red Portal room will now reward the player with a Health Tree Room, a Relic Room, AND a Gold Chest room. Power to the player!

New Arena Design

  • All 3 Miniboss Portal challenges have been rehauled to add more variety to each experience.

  • Updated many of the "Triple Challenge" rooms to make them a little more challenging.

  • Added 3 new arena layouts and 6 new Red Portal Rooms.

    • 1 new Single Boss Challenge Room. Can you navigate the close quarter combats?

    • 2 new Bouncy Spike Rooms. Hope you're good with angles!

    • 2 new Commander Battle. Mix and match Commanders and come out on top.

    • 1 additional Big Battle Room.

  • The multi-arena challenges have been tweaked to add minor variance and to fix the enemy overlay spawn issue.

We’ve gotten a ton of feedback on Burdens in particular after our v1.0 release, and we think we can do a lot better. The whole process has been smoothed out, as scaling through NG+ happens much faster, and there’s a LOT more Burden variety early on. We’re really happy with how this turned out.

NG+ Level Scaling

  • Enemy health increased by an additional 0.5% per NG. This effect is only noticeable at NG20+.

  • Enemy damage increased by an additional 0.3% per NG. This effect is only noticeable at NG20+.

True Ending Requirements

  • Minimum NG+ level requirement raised from 1 to 3.

True Ending Highlight

  • When the True Ending requirements for Burdens are fulfilled, the Enter NG+ button will sparkle.

Faster Progress
Now that there’s so many new Burdens at the start of NG+1, we really want to encourage players to take more risks and to speed up game progress. 

  • (Community) Gold Boost: You will now get a gold bonus for every Burden you add to your NG+ run beyond the requirement (to a limit).

New Burdens

  • Burden of Drain: Reduce the power of Lifesteal and Soulsteal as you delve deeper into NG+ and beyond.

  • Burden of Black Root: Take the challenge to the next level with this new Burden that puts a limit on the amount of times you can be hit. Defeat foes to regain your energy, and show off your true dodging skills with this new 2 cost Burden.

  • Unlock All Burdens: Added a new button at the bottom of the Timeline that allows players to immediately unlock NG+7 and all Burdens. This option is irreversible, but allows players to instantly access the True Ending if they’re up to the challenge.

Rehauling Biome Burdens
The biome Burdens are by far the most popular ones in the game, but to increase diversity in early NGs and to help players have more choice in curating their NG+ experience, we’ve gone and split these Burdens up, as well as tweak the rate that they become available to the player.

  • Burden of Agartha’s Royal Guard: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of Agartha’s Royal Guard: Adds new enemies to Citadel Agartha and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0.

    • Burden of Agartha’s Fortification: Adds new hazards to Citadel Agartha and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+1.

  • Burden of Mundi’s Flagship: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of Mundi’s Crossing: Adds new enemies to Axis Mundi and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0

    • Burden of Mundi’s Flagship: Adds new hazards to Axis Mundi and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+2.

  • Burden of Kerguelen’s Sorrow: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of Kerguelen’s Sacrifice: Adds new enemies to the Kerguelen Plateau and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0.

    • Burden of Kerguelen’s Sorrow: Adds new hazards to the Kerguelen Plateau and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+3.

  • Burden of the Study’s Scholars: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of the Study’s Scholar: Adds new enemies to the Stygian Study and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0.

    • Burden of the High Scholar’s Metamorphosis. Adds new hazards to the Stygian Study and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+4.

  • Burden of Irad's Torment: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of Irad's Calling: Adds new enemies to the Sun Tower and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0.

    • Burden of Irad's Torment: Adds new hazards to the Sun Tower and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+4.

  • Burden of Pishon's Uprising: Separated into 2 different Burdens.

    • Burden of Pishon's Mining: Adds new enemies to the Pishon Dry Lake and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+0.

    • Burden of Pishon's Uprising: Adds new hazards to the Pishon Dry Lake and has a cost of 1. Unlocked in NG+4

Smoothing out some of those difficulty spikes and making the game more fun.

Room Changes

  • 100+ Rooms have been modified or tweaked to fix bad enemy spawn points, add more variety to the encounter, or to just tweak props.

Pishon Drylake

  • More Gold: A 20% Gold bonus has been added to the Caves to encourage players to dive deeper into this dangerous biome. This helps it better tie together with the other hazard heavy biomes like the Sun Tower and Axis Mundi.

  • More Info: Added a note at the Cave entrance explaining the Gold bonus.

  • Reduced Size: The Cave is now smaller. Should make doing full clears less exhausting.

  • Improved Rewards: The Cave will now “almost” always generate 5 bonus rooms within the Biome. This is a LOT of bonus rooms.

  • Boss LVL Reduction: Minor reduction to the biome boss’s level due to the size reduction.

Axis Mundi

  • Reduced Size: The biome is now slightly shorter. Should make doing full clears less exhausting.

  • Improved Rewards: Axis Mundi will now “almost” always generate 3 bonus rooms within the biome.

Sun Tower

  • Reduced Size: Tower is now slightly shorter. Should make doing full clears less exhausting.

  • Improved Rewards: Tower will now “almost” always generate 4 bonus rooms within the biome.

  • Void Bounce Platforms Rehauled: Reduced the speed and bounce height of Void Bounce Platforms to give players more time to orient themselves after a boost.

  • Enemy Level Decreased: A minor decrease in enemy level to take into account the Sun Tower’s size reduction.

  • Room Rehauled: Increased the cloud spacing for every room in the Sun Tower to give players a few extra milliseconds of reaction time, and to provide a bit more space to play. Also updated all of the rooms to make sure they worked with the new Void Bounce heights.

  • Boss LVL Reduction: Minor reduction to the biome boss’s level due to the size reductions.

Final Areas

  • Boss LVL Reduction: Minor reduction to the final boss’s levels due to the biome size reductions.

Tweaks to the Soul Shop to introduce new items and increase the rate of unlocks.

New Items

  • 5 new sub-class unlocks have been added to the Soul Shop.


Quintessential Resentment (Force Contrarian Unlock)
This unlock is a lot of fun, so we’re bumping how early you can get it.

  • The Force Contrarian unlock requirement has been reduced from 15 to 5(!). This means you can more or less get it right away.

Subclass Unlocks (Nerf)
Squishing in the unlock requirements to add in all of the new class unlocks.

  • Soul Shop purchase requirement for the Mage subclass has been reduced from 9 to 8.


Commanders (Nerf)
Some Commanders were overstaying their welcome, so we’re nerfing their HP to help keep the game pacing up.

  • Commander HP reduced from 175% bonus to 160%.

Flying Shields (Nerf)
One of the more deadly foes are now getting a slight nerf.

  • Community: Offscreen attack indicators now appear while they are doing their spin or dash attack.

  • Reduced HP of all Flying Shield variants.

  • Spinning attack speed reduced slightly for all variants (including the miniboss).

Flying Hammers (Nerf)
A touch less tanky.

  • Reduced HP of flying Hammers and all variants.

Blightborne Astarte (Nerf)
Tweaked the Flying Cannon miniboss to accommodate the changes to the Red Portal arenas.

  • Reduced aggression to allow more breathing room between attacks.

Voidbeast Murmur (Nerf)
Murmur’s attacks were always meant to be more of a logic/platforming check rather than a skill check, so we’re giving a little extra grace to further push it in that direction. 

  • Increased Spin Kick body hitbox on certain projectiles to make platforming easier, and made their hitbox slightly smaller.

AxeKnight (Bug Fix + Buff)
A few small bug fixes to the Axe Knight that make them a touch harder.

  • Fixed terrain hitbox for the launching spinning blades. They will no longer instantly explode if the Axe Knight is against a wall.

  • Fixed an acceleration issue where Axe Knights would sometimes get stuck on walls.

Final Boss (Nerf)
Same reasoning as Murmur.

  • Increased Spin Kick body hitbox on certain projectiles to make platforming easier, and made their hitbox slightly smaller.

  • Increased Void Dash hitbox on certain projectiles to make destroying them easier, and made their hitbox slightly smaller.


Labour Costs (Cheaper)
Letting players be more experimental before kicking in Labour Costs.

  • Labour cost trigger point raised from lvl 20 to lvl 30.

Institute of Gastronomy (Buff)
This buff should help health drops keep pace with Soul and Lifesteal Runes.

  • HP gain per level increased from 4% to 5%.

Courthouse + Scribe’s Office (Cheaper)
Lowering the cost of the gold crossover upgrades to help players who are struggling. This should push these Skills down enough that they’re in the “spend your spare bucks” slot.

  • Costs reduced SIGNIFICANTLY (~40%).

Portal Cost Changes (Cheaper)
Lowering Pizza Girl’s costs so that people will be more willing to unlock the first tier of portals (Study, Cave and Bridge).

  • Pizza Girl portal unlocks costs reduced from 1750 to 1500. This will have a significant knock-on effect for NG+ portal costs.

Equipment Sets (Easier)
To help players find those late tier pieces of gear more often.

  • Community: The +1-9 chest level requirements for Ammonite and up have been decreased. Small decreases for Ammonite, but gets more drastic the higher the gear set.

Equipment Spread (Buff)
Some players were spending all their Souls increasing the max equipment drop level early on. This had the side effect of severely diluting the drop pool, making it very difficult to get some of the later-tier gear. We’ve gone and rehauled the drop system to create a better spread of equipment drops so that you don’t get completely inundated with only Leather gear.

  • Community: Modified algorithm to increase the odds of chests dropping the “lowest level” blueprint. E.g. Kin Sword +1 is considered lower level than Leather Sword +2 and will have a higher chance of dropping, even though the Kin Sword has better raw stats.


  • Narrow Praxis: Tweaked layout of some of the targets to reduce those super long range shots.

More power to the people.

Lower Resolve Cost 

  • Community: Reduce the cost of Relics in the game with this new House rule. Stack Relics, become uber, and one-shot all the bosses!

Reset Skill Tree 

  • Community: You can now reset your Skill Tree in the House Rules in case you feel like you’ve messed up your build, or if you just wanna try something new! Or give yourself a true challenge and try to beat all the Prime bosses at level 1!

General Disclaimer
A warning from an archaic era. There was no need for this.

  • Removed the disclaimer and recommendation regarding House Rules.


Reroll and Relic Readability

  • Changed roll count text in Curio Shoppe and Relic rooms to include the max number of rerolls allowed for that room.

  • Turned max stacks text colour in the Relic HUD from yellow to green.

Cutscene Skip
For those burning the NG+ oil.

  • The endgame cutscene can now be skipped.

Credits Updated

  • Credits updated to now include the name of the team members at Allcorrect responsible for the the translations. 😊

  • Japanese Localization has been to the Credits.

Dock HP/Mana Regen
This should allow players to better get a feel for weaving Spells and Attacks while on the Docks.

  • Community: HP and Mana Regen is now based on Max HP to speed it up significantly for players with a very large Health pool.

  • Community: Mana Regen now only kicks in if the player’s Mana pool hasn’t changed for a few seconds. This allows players to test the Mana Regen of weapon attacks.


  • Fixed bug where enemies were sometimes not given Commander status effects if they were summoned as Commanders in Red Portal arena rooms.

  • Fixed bug where Trait effects and mist were sometimes not rendered correctly in non-16:9 aspect ratios.

  • Fixed bug where Slugs and their slime trails rendered behind Cave terrain, making them hard to see.

  • Fixed bug where UI opening animations were sometimes not playing for NPCs.

  • Fixed bug where world generation was allocating an unnecessary amount of memory.

  • Fixed bug where closing the game while a status bar entry was active would spit out a null ref error.

  • Rewrote how player eye colour interacts when different darkness tints are applied to address scenarios where they may conflict.

  • Fixed bug where entering a Scar Challenge if you had the Diva Trait would not properly re-apply it to the player when exiting the Scar.

  • Pressing Start on a controller now properly brings up the Skip Parade and Skip Credits options.

  • Fixed bug where projectiles that could ricochet against the walls could bounce in the wrong direction.

  • Fixed bug where enemies would jitter up and down if they spawned above sloped terrain.

  • Fixed bug where if the player attacked with the Lance shortly after jumping, their walk animation would no longer work until they performed another non-movement action.

  • Entering an arena now immediately marks it as complete, to address exploit where players could enter an arena, collect the reward, and quit to main menu and play it over and over again.

  • Fixed missing SFX when navigating the Pause Menu tabs via mouse.

  • Fixed bug where the white flash effect when defeating a boss (or triggering their next phase) only fit the 16:9 aspect ratio.

  • Fixed some misplaced Christmas assets at the Docks.

  • Fixed bug where the Gamepad configurator for the Switch controller was showing the wrong highlighted glyph.

  • Fixed bug where the Manor transition cutscene was not being displayed correctly at different aspect ratios.

  • Fixed bug where the animated cutscene was not being displayed correctly at different aspect ratios.

  • Dying to enemies in Scar Challenges is now properly tracked in the total player death tally.

  • Fixed bug where weather particle systems were taking a long time to initialize, resulting in significant lag when switching rooms in Tower and Forest.

  • Fixed bug where menu scrolling logic could screw up if the game were running slowly.

  • Fixed the direction of the Aerodynamic Trait not working as intended when using the Spin Kick button instead of Down + Jump.

  • Fixed soft-lock if you Spin Kick with the Aerodynamic Trait active while using the House Rule's Flying ability.

  • Fixed issue where some exit tunnels at the end of heirloom challenges were unlocked, meaning you could exit the challenge without talking to the Relic.

  • Added missing SFX to projectiles that fire out during the Vengeful Commander Buff is active.

  • Fixed null ref bug when closing application and blink pulse effect is active.

  • Fixed bug where triggering Fate's Die on an enemy that had the Vengeful Commander Buff would not reset the die's counter.

  • Fixed Hector's Helm and Achilles' Shield not displaying an icon when the bonus damage kicks in.

  • Fixed bug where the Pirate ship was pushing coins and other item drops.

  • Fixed bug where projectiles would sometimes not have status effects attached to them when needed if the projectile was fired for the first time.

  • Fixed bug where changing the language on the title screen was not updating the Profile Select Window text.

  • Fixed issue where projectiles that ricochet off walls would sometimes ricochet off breakable doors.

  • Fixed bug where Lightning Spell would spawn some particles at (0, 0) upon first cast.

  • Fixed bug where changing the language after picking up a twin Relic would cause the twin Relic icon to reappear.

  • Fixed longtime regression bug where the ChestOpen effect for boss chests were spawning too small.

  • Player abilities now stop when completing a challenge to address some SFX issues.

  • Changed Orbiter and Windmill hazards to use proximity emitters to fix issues with them occasionally not playing their SFX.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v1.1.1


Rogue Legacy 2 – v1.0.4