Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.1

The bigger the patch the more likely things are going to go awry, and with the Drifting Worlds this was no exception. There are some really big changes in this patch, including fixing boss health (their current HP is less than 50% what it was in the last patch), and re-locking all teleporters when entering new Threads. And though we’ve managed to nail down most of the biggest offenders, there are still a few straggling bugs that we will address for a future patch. All-in-all, we were able to get an update out so quickly thanks to the lightning fast feedback from the RL2 community. Thanks so much for your help and support!

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Certain trait effects no longer apply to some enemies (For ex. Disattuned no longer applies to Mimics).

  • Max stacks of the Boxer’s Combo status effect reduced from 100 to 20.

  • Increased HP of Irad Estuary.

  • Lancer Buff: Shorter knockback from melee strikes.

  • Lancer Buff: Dash strike now reduces cooldown of moves by 2 seconds

  • Gunslinger Tweak: Gunshots now reduce CD once every 4 hits.

  • Hephaestus' Hammer no longer has a CD but instead slows the user while they spin.

  • Hephaestus' Hammer now grants CD on hit.

  • Added game option to skip the tutorial.

  • Major change/bug fix: All bosses HP have been restored back to normal. They were having their HP cut in half with the latest update (due to HP code refactor).

  • Remade Tower boss fight to provide more challenge. New level layout and moveset has been changed.

  • Gnawed Bone and Hyperion's ring removed from pool of allowable relics in Challenges.

  • Changing Threads (NG+) now resets the purchased state of all teleporters.

  • The cost to unlock teleporters now rises with each higher Thread.

  • Reverted Hermes Boots relic so you are once again immune to ALL static spikes, not just static ground spikes.


  • Fixed bug where certain enemies were given Commander buffs when they should not have.

  • Fixed bug where Lancer and Boxer were not appearing at the Sage Totem.

  • Fixed bug where rerolling a twin relic would cause the new individual relic to keep spinning all by its lonesome.

  • Fixed bug where Tower was spawning a room where you could drop through to the abyss.

  • Fixed crash bug when entering the Sisyphus Scar.

  • Fixed bug where the post processing stack was not correctly releasing temporary render targets, which caused various problems, including bloating the Player.log file with tons of warning messages.

  • Fixed retaliation damage return equation.

  • Fixed HUD bug where certain values of mana would cause the MP text to stack vertically.

  • Fixed bug where Catalyst relic applied 20% damage instead of 120%.

  • Fixed bug where relic info box would appear in front of some of the pause menus.

  • Fixed bug where cancelling out of an aimed ability would disable the player's ability to drop through platforms.

  • Fixed bug where beating a boss was not saving a certain value correctly, resulting in players being unable to open the Drift House.

  • Geras Granting Gold fixed.

  • Fixed wrong music playing in eyeball boss fight.

  • Fixed the Elemental Curse enemy logic, and the expert versions not moving.

  • Updated Study Transition to dissuade players from entering the biome too early.

  • Fixed Return Damage Equipment set.

  • Fixed bug where the look of weapons and helmets were not changing when equipping Gilded, Obsidian, or Leviathan gear.

  • Fixed bug where the icons for Gilded, Obsidian, and Leviathan gear was missing from Blacksmith shop.

  • Fixed bug where Burden of Adaptation and Burden of Mobility were missing icons in the Threads of Fate menu.

  • Triggering Fatal Blow relic now properly displays the icon.

  • Fixed bug where AxeSpinner was not reducing Spear spin talent cooldown on hit.

  • Fixed bug where you could still navigate the options buttons in the Main Menu while the introduction cutscene was playing.

  • Fixed bug where relics that gave player a free hit would get around the Future Successor's Bargain and soft-lock the game. The only relics that can now get around Future Successor's Bargain are the ones that cheat death.

  • Fixed bug where enemy summon list was not being tracked properly, resulting the Arenas sometimes not ending properly or treasure chests not appearing after defeating an Estuary.

  • Fixed bug where Hyperion's Ring would not trigger in Scar Challenges.

  • Fixed bug where True Enoch would occasionally not turn when hitting a wall during his rush attack.

  • Fixed bug where discovering a Scar memory would result in the Scar Discovered text to constantly appear whenever you read dialogue.

  • Fixed bug where some enemies defeated in Arenas would appear as question marks during death recap.

  • Fixed bug where Pacifist ability icon was not appearing in player HUD.

  • Expanded the hitbox to the Aerodynamic downstrike. This fixes bug where player could not proceed through the tutorial if they that trait.

  • Fixed bug where Tower chest icons were not appearing in the correct place.

  • Fixed bug where exiting the Skill Tree at just the right moment would stop many effects from playing.

  • Fixed bug where exiting out of the Skill Tree fast enough would glitch out the Manor visuals.

  • Tower Boss is now set to the appropriate level (was ~15 levels under even before the 50% HP cut).

  • Bug fix in Tower boss where a certain move would prevent the boss from attacking for a few seconds.

  • Skeleton Boss audio fix.

  • Tower in Journal Room fixed. Players can no longer continually read new journal entries in the same room.

  • Fixed bad LOC IDs on certain memories.

  • Various text updates.

  • Getting Pacifier Trait now properly shows its description in the player card.

  • Fixed bug where exiting to main menu while in the tutorial screen for NG+ would result in losing some recent changes to Skill Tree.

  • Fixed bug where exiting a challenge while a boss was dying would result in the boss appearing in the Drift House.

  • Fixed bug where the Sun Tower would sometimes build in such a way that the Boss room was not accessible.

  • Added a bunch of new enemy sound effects.

  • Added sound effects for the Totem and Living Safe.

  • Fixed bug where the Colorblind trait was disabled when in an arena or heirloom.

  • Fixed bug where MAX would appear on top of upgrade buttons.

  • Fixed bug where the first Fairy Chest you opened in a run would always give you 10 Aether per drop instead of the correct amount.

  • Fixed bug where the Upgrade button would appear even if your gear was at max level.

  • Fixed bug where you could get duplicate equipment/rune drops from chests.

  • Fixed bug where you could exceed the max empathy limit for some challenges.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.2


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.0 – The Drifting Worlds Update