Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.2

Less than a week in, and we’re quite happy with the state the Drifting Worlds is in. Since the last hotpatch things have stabilized immensely, so we’re now focusing on balance and fixing lower priority bugs in preparation for the weekend. The Boxer has come out of the gate swinging, but the Dragon Lancer hasn’t had as much oomph, so we’ve made a number of changes to make them more impactful. We’ve also taken a third (!) look at boss HP, and have tweaked them a bit lower after the last fix. Lastly, all bug fixes for this patch and the previous one were from reports by our community, so thanks again for helping us get this game into tip-top shape in record time!

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Boss HP Update #2: In the last update HP was increased 100% to compensate for a bug in the Drifting Worlds launch. That was a bit overzealous, so to compensate for this compensation, overall boss HP has been lowered by around 8% (compared to levels seen in Arcane Hallows, so more like a 12% decrease since last patch).

  • Commander Buff Nerf: Shielded enemies now take 4 hits instead of 5 to start taking damage.

  • Commander Buff Nerf: Shielded enemies now take 3.5 seconds to recharge instead of 3.25.

  • Commander Buff Nerf: Enemies that fire curse projectiles now fire every 3.5 seconds instead of every 3.

  • Commander Buff Nerf: Enemies now perform a distance check before firing curse projectiles.

  • Entering a Thread (NG+) now results in all your money going to Charon (and Living Safe if you have it unlocked).

  • Assassin Buff: Now reduces cooldowns by 2 seconds on third hit instead of 1.

  • Assassin Nerf: Cloak ability cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 10.

  • Lancer Update:

    • Slightly larger Dash attack hitbox height, and fixed bug where the length of the hitbox didn’t quite match attack visuals.

    • Dash charge time reduced from 0.8 seconds to 0.55.

    • Attack Tell time sped up significantly.

    • No more horizontal pushback when performing the regular attack in the air, no more pushback at all when performed on ground.

    • Vertical mobility while dashing increased.

    • Dash attack distance decreased.

    • Dash attack cooldown increased from 0.75 seconds to 1.25.

    • Dash attack damage decreased from 300% STR and INT scaling to 225%.

    • Static Shield cooldown decreased from 7 seconds to 5. Duration decreased from 3.1 seconds to 1.6.

    • Dragon Lancer's Static Wall now only triggers cooldown on-hit when the ability has finished its cast duration.

  • Updated a variety of rooms in the Tower to make them less frustrating.

  • Odds of Curio Shoppes and Relic rooms appearing reduced slightly, Healing and Arena room odds up.

  • Increased NPC chatter. Now NPCs will have something new to say every time you enter the Docks, instead of every other time.

  • The following Relics have been removed from the Challenges:

    • Fate’s Die

    • Coeus Shell

    • Hermes Boots

    • Weird Mushroom

    • Freon’s Reward


  • Fixed bug where loading the Tower from a save file (or from Architect) would result in all exterior Tower rooms being recognized as interior ones.

  • Cleaned up more incorrect assets in a variety of rooms.

  • Fixed bug where Gold Gain from equipment Unity was increased by 100% instead of 30%.

  • The Docks no longer saves player data, which should address scenario where people could potentially lose gold if the game ever crashes there.

  • Fixed crash bug in Scars where props weren't being initialized correctly on repeated runs through the same challenge.

  • Cleaned up some platform placements in the Tower, including a softlock if the player was gigantic.

  • Updated equipment save data to fix any mismatches between FoundState and Upgrade blueprints found.

  • Fixed bug where chests could drop multiple of the same blueprint.

  • Fixed bug where chests could drop multiple of the same rune.

  • Fixed bug where void dashing between rooms in the Sisyphus challenge would create a long purple streak across the screen.

  • Increased the resolution size of the icons that appear on Heirloom Statues.

  • Fixed regression bug where previous change to how ability cooldown on-hit worked meant certain abilities would no longer go on cooldown at all, such as the Assassin’s cloak.

  • Fixed a number of scenarios where the blueprint and upgrade levels of runes were not being set correctly.

  • Fixed bug where pressing ENTER on any rune entry that was not found yet in the Enchantress shop would result in a crash.

  • Fixed incomplete implementation of the newly added NG+ scaling costs to unlock teleporters.

  • Fixing bug where Sisyphus challenge would be displayed as 1/0.

  • Fixed bug where the sky did not fully cover the background of very, very tall Tower exterior rooms.

  • Emotional Dysregulation trait now properly triggers on spells only.

  • Second attempt at disabling Commander effects from being applied to targets (sorry for missing this the first time).

  • Fixed bug where game would soft-lock if the player died on the same frame they entered a leyline teleporter.

  • Fixed bug where entering NG+ while the castle was locked would retain the gold reduction costs.

  • Entering a Nightmare’s detection radius while spinning with Hephaestus' Hammer now aggros the Nightmare.

  • Fixed bug where entering a new biome was not resetting the player's abilities, resulting in a glitchiness when spinning into a new biome with Hephaestus' Hammer.

  • Fixed bug where killing the last enemy in an arena with the knockout punch could result in a soft-lock.

  • Fixed bug where Tower boss room level was not being appropriately set, resulting in lower level of boss than intended.

  • Added more SFX to the game.

  • Fixed bug where Mastery for Knights was sometimes not properly appearing at Sage Totem.

  • Fixed bug where MAX text was appearing on equipment that had not yet been discovered.

  • Fixed bug where certain equipment Unity bonus percents were displaying as "0.XX" instead of "XX%".

  • Fixed bug where Lachesis' Measure was applying healing on every crit hit instead of only fatal crit hits.

  • Fixed bug where Quenching Runes were not increasing the maximum damage blocked by armor.

  • Fixed bug where Tower enemies were appearing in Axis Mundi arena rooms.

  • Fixed bug where temporary max health mods (tree of life, Gnawed Bone, etc.) were not being reset when entering/exiting challenges.

  • Fixed bug where the Healing Tree would sometimes display the wrong Max HP gain / damage amounts.

  • Attempted fix for bug where very wide aspect ratios would display the NG+ text in the middle of the screen.

  • Reduced chromatic aberration and distortion in the heirloom visual effect to make it easier to look at.

  • Reduced volume of the void door break sound effect.

  • Fixed bug where the Knight class would be locked if you entered and exited a challenge, causing the Mastery UI to show "????" instead of "Knight".


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.3


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.1