Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.0 – The Dragon’s Vow Update

The fourth major content update for Rogue Legacy 2 has landed with the Dragon’s Vow. Our original plan was to release a smaller, earlier patch following the Pizza Mundi, but seeing as this will be one of our last updates before v1.0, we decided to take our time and go all-out. We’ve made combat more engaging with Skill Crits, improved accessibility with House Rules, and just all-around balanced the game to make it the best version of RL2 yet. The Dragon’s Vow also lands with a new biome, new classes, and a slew of new traits, relics, and more. 

We want to give a special shout-out to the dedicated and always incredible members of our Discord that tested this patch in advance to provide feedback and ensure a smooth experience for everyone before it launched. This is a huge update and with it came a hoard of bugs, so the reports provided were absolutely invaluable. A few may have slipped through the cracks but the worst offenders have been squashed and we will continue to push out patches to address any others that come up. Thanks so much to our Discord members for going above and beyond in helping us make this patch possible. 

For what we are hoping is the very last time, when loading a pre-played file all skills in the Skill Tree will be reset and the money spent there will be refunded. To help get things back to normal more quickly we’ve added a button that allows players to instantly purchase a skill five times. All equipment and runes have also been unequipped (due to changes in gear weight) and the Soul Shop has been reset. All Souls have been refunded and Mastery XP has been retained. No progress in the game has been lost.

We’ve also greatly improved input remapping support for different gamepads, but as a consequence had to reset all input bindings. Players will have to remap their gamepad controls when launching the Dragon’s Vow.


  • The Final Biome – Players can finally explore the subterranean depths of the Pishon Dry Lake, the final biome in Rogue Legacy 2. Fight off the encroaching darkness and traverse one of the largest areas to date. Meet new people, make deals, and do anything to survive. This region is not for the weak of heart, so players must steel their resolve and search through every inch of these cavernous walls to unveil the secrets behind a tragic betrayal.

  • Pinky and the Brain – Much like the Lancer and the Boxer prior, the Dragon’s Vow is introducing two new heroes that are polar opposites of one another. The Ronin is a disciplined warrior that can turn any opponent into sushi in the blink of an eye. The class boasts incredible range and lightning quick attacks, along with a powerful teleport ability to get them in – or out – of trouble quickly.

    Juxtaposing the cool and calm Ronin is the kooky and reckless Bard. Prep the stage to tell a tale, or improvise an adventure on-the-fly. The Bard encourages out-of-the-box thinking with their ability to make any arena their theater. Set up your notes, dance around your foes, and cause utter devastation with your innocent melodies.

  • Combat Evolved – One of the big challenges we faced after releasing the Threads of Fate was balancing how players were scaling into NG+1 and beyond. By focusing on increasing Critical Strike Chance, players were able to blow straight through even the highest NG thread, which was not our design. To address this we greatly reduced the ways in which players can raise their Critical Strike Chance, as well as reduced its damage scaling. But nerfing players is just not fun, so to compensate we’ve introduced Skill Critical Strikes (Skill Crits for short). Every weapon and spell now has at least one way of dealing extra damage, which is recognized as a Skill Crit in-game. Successfully reflect a projectile as the Valkyrie, pummel your opponents and build up a high combo as the Boxer, or risk dashing towards danger as the Knight to empower your attack. Regular strikes are still as effective as ever, but more mindful players will be rewarded with that extra mileage. Those satisfying random Critical Strikes are also still around, but now when combined with a Skill Crit they will deal mammoth damage to your unsuspecting victims.

    We also felt there was room for some enemies to grow in complexity, not just difficulty. This means going back to some of the classic enemies such as the floating eyeballs, and giving them new sets of moves and animations to keep you on your feet.

  • Classes Evolved – While it’s clear how different the Rogue Legacy 2 Class system is when compared to RL1, we really wanted to emphasize how different the classes are when compared to each other. And though the inclusion of Skill Crits has greatly helped with this, swapping your weapon (or spell) at a Curio Shoppe nullifies this distinction. So we are also adding Class Passives to the mix. For some classes this will be reflected with more extreme stat changes, like bonus health for the Barbarian, while others will gain unique abilities such as Mana Burn on all weapons for the Mage.

  • A Numbers Game – The changes to both Weapon and Magic Critical Strike Chance meant that Dexterity and Focus, the two stats that originally affected those numbers, also needed a new purpose. To that end, we’ve tweaked these values to now raise Skill Critical Strike damage. We’ve also taken the opportunity to improve Armor scaling, and tweak Equipment and Rune Weight costs. To the math heads, Dexterity and Focus now scale additively rather than multiplicatively. This ensures that pure Strength or Intelligence builds can scale into the late game. And with the addition of their influence on Skill Crits, Dexterity and Focus will have an impact right from the get-go.

  • A More Balanced World – With a heavier Metroidvania emphasis than the first Rogue Legacy, it’s much easier to get lost and overwhelmed in RL2. So we’ve gone through some problem spots again, to encourage newcomers to traverse the world in a specific order while still allowing veterans to break the rules. We’re also making the first few rooms in the Castle easier, to give players time to breathe right at the start. No sudden traps or intimidating Commanders will ambush unsuspecting heroes as they begin their adventure.

    We’ve also seen that, for veteran players that have beaten the bosses and entered higher Threads, the challenge starts to sputter quickly. So we’ve changed how enemy HP scales when entering more difficult Threads. Enemies in higher Threads are now a lot beefier and deal more, and the burdens that modify these values have become a lot more threatening. Along with removing the abuse cases with Critical Strike Chance, players can no longer coast to NG+10 simply by one-shotting every foe they encounter. To balance this out somewhat, the XP algorithm has been greatly improved and now scales higher when entering NG+1 and beyond.

  • House Rules – Despite its seemingly cruel difficulty, since the beginning Rogue Legacy has aimed for accessibility. Beat the game in one life through sheer skill and willpower, or take your time and strengthen your heroes through an expansive upgrade system. Rogue Legacy 2 takes it to the next level with features like Trait Bonuses and Mastery. And though the Dragon’s Vow already makes the game loop easier for players starting out, we don’t think that’s enough. So we’re introducing House Rules to give you complete control over how you want to enjoy the game. If you’re constantly running into enemies you can turn off contact damage. Find a certain platform too frustrating? Give yourself flight. Or do the opposite and crank the difficulty by making enemies harder. House Rules are fully optional, so if you wish to play Rogue Legacy 2 the way it was originally designed, the choice is yours.

  • The Mysterious Traveller – As you navigate the treacherous territories, a new figure will appear from time-to-time to reveal secrets about this world’s past. Who is this enigmatic character, and what role do they play in the greater lore of the Rogue Legacy universe? Only time will tell.

  • Glossary – Rogue Legacy 2 has become bigger than we possibly imagined, and while we’re incredibly proud of how much we’ve squeezed into the sequel, this makes keeping everything clear for players a constant challenge. So we are unveiling a Glossary that holds pertinent information on some of the finer nuances to the game. No longer do you need to seek out oft-missed stone tablets at the Docks, as the Glossary can be accessed at any time from the Pause menu. Currently it holds details on status effects and Commander Buffs, but will also act as a place for any future information that is not easily found elsewhere.


  • The first 3 rooms in Citadel Agartha are now pulled from a pool of easier rooms. These rooms will never have Commanders or difficult platforming sections.

  • Hazards now deal percent damage to enemies so that high health foes don’t bounce on the hazard forever.

  • Enemy Health and Strength scaling per NG+ now changes the base values instead of affecting the increase multiplier. This results in higher values per NG+ and greatly increases the effect of mods like Burden of Vitality.

  • The game will always guarantee that one of fairy room in Citadel Agartha, Axis Mundi, and the Kerguelen Plateau pull from an easier list.

  • Burden of Metal now reduces armor by a percent of Max Armor.

  • Getting hit by an enemy with Armor Shred will now deal critical damage to the player (1.5x) if the player has no armor.

  • Player Max HP mods are now applied additively instead of multiplicatively. This means Max HP mods will now give a little bit less health.

  • Community: Changed Massive Commander Buff to increase health at the base level so that it scales properly with all other health mods on enemies.

  • Added new visuals for Slug slime to make it more readable.

  • Added the ability to hide Commander Buffs under certain scenarios. Zombies and summoned enemies (including ones in Fairy rooms) can now have Commander Buffs applied to them.

  • NG+ enemy scaling has been increased. This is to accommodate the new biome that has been added.

  • Heirloom rooms tweaked to make them even easier.

  • The entrance to the Stygian Study has been tweaked to encourage players to go to Axis Mundi first, and a sequence-break mechanic has been added to the room.


  • Bard Class added.

  • Ronin Class added.

  • Skill Critical Strikes added to all Class weapons. The method to trigger them differs for each weapon.

  • Skill Critical Strikes added to all damage-dealing spells. The method to trigger them differs for each spell.

  • Unique passives have been added to a number of classes.

  • Boxer Passive: Is now Elusive and does not take contact damage from enemies when they are not attacking.

  • Boxer: Combo stacks on the Boxer’s attack is now tracked on the boxer and not the individual enemy, meaning you can now attack different enemies and keep the combo tally going.

  • Mage Passive: Mana Burn has been removed from the Mage Wand and is now applied to any weapon the Mage wields.

  • Blasting Wand Redesign: Now generates bonus mana if it hits enemies. Now grants “Charged” to the user if they spend 50 mana or more.

  • Gunslinger Passive: The Suave status effect has been removed from the Reload ability, and is now applied any time the Gunslinger casts a Talent ability.

  • Gunslinger Talent: The Reload talent ability has been replaced with Makeshift Explosive.

  • Holding the attack button with the Pistol while dashing or reloading will now cause it to automatically start firing as soon as possible, instead of requiring a separate button press.

  • Pistol Redesign: Lower ammo count, lower range, MUCH faster reload times. You can now reload while dashing. We want to push the Gunslinger as a mid-range hero so we’ve lowered his down-time, increased his damage, and given him access to more mobility options.

  • Duelist Passive: The Duelist now triggers the Charged status effect for a short period of time whenever a talent is casted.

  • Assassin Passive: Class now has passive that increases Super Critical Strike Chance by X percent.

  • Cook: Burn status effect is now applied to any weapon the Cook wields.

  • Frying Pan Redesign: Now triggers the Charged status effect every time you reflect a projectile, but the damage of reflected fireballs has been reduced. Frying pan no longer applies burn on-hit.

  • Spear Spin now grants 15 mana instead of 10.

  • Cook: Collecting a meat health drop as the Cook now provides the health benefits even if you do not have max charges on your Healing talent ability. To compensate, pizza health drops no longer provide two charges.

  • Cook: Fixed bug where getting a health drop as a vegan Cook would not refill one of your talent charges.

  • Removed Dexterity and Focus from all Crit. Chance calculations.


  • New status effect Dance.

  • New status effect Vulnerable.

  • New status effect Charged.

  • New status effect Poison.

  • Striking “Frozen” enemies now always acts as a Skill Crit.

  • Burn now Skill Crits for the last few ticks of its duration.

  • The Damage Mod for the Combo status effect now applies to all damage, instead of only weapon hits.

  • Enemies with 10 or more Combo stacks now take Skill Critical Damage.

  • Armor Break and Magic Break status effects no longer scale off strength and armor respectively.

  • Sporeburst status effects explosion is always a Skill Crit.

  • Windwall mana cost raised from 50 to 100. Damage increased. Cooldown timer removed.

  • Energy Blast mana cost raised from 50 to 100. Damage increased. Cooldown timer removed.

  • Freeze strike mana cost raised from 50 to 100. Damage increased. Cooldown timer removed.

  • Magma Mass damage reduced, but now Skill Crits when falling downwards.

  • Flamethrower now reduces movespeed while casting, but range has been increased significantly. Skill Crits after being active for a few seconds.

  • Flamebarrier damage reduced, but now Skill Crits after being active for a few seconds.

  • Thunderstorm now applies status effect Vulnerable to enemies struck.

  • Poolball damage reduced, but now Skill Crits on the 3rd bounce.

  • Timebomb now always Skill Crits.

  • Gravity Well now strikes for an extra tick. Last remaining ticks always Skill Crit.


  • Added Obelisk Relic.

  • Added Dream Catcher Relic.

  • Added Cornucopia Relic.

  • Added Serqet’s Stinger Relic.

  • Heavy Stone Bargain tweak. If you have the pistol, it now reduces attack speed (range and ammo reduction removed).

  • Heavy Stone Bargain tweak. If you have Hephaestus’ Hammer, it now reduces movespeed.

  • Vanguard’s Banner has been redesigned.

  • Lotus Stem has been redesigned.

  • War Drum scaling reduced.

  • A new Master Tier of relics has been added and multiple relics have had their costs rebalanced to accommodate it.

  • Taking damage now removes all stacks for Glowing Ember Relic.

  • Hollow Bones Gravity reduction reduced. You fall a little bit faster!

  • Picking up mana potions now restores one charge of the Mana Damage Reduction relic.

  • The Lotus Stem relic will now display a popup icon when it has saved you from taking damage.

  • Community: Attempted fix for Gnawed Bone Relic where it would sometimes not kick in when picking up meat at max health.

  • Fixed bug where Amaterasu’s Sun Relic was not using the correct value to determine how much each stack extended the duration.

  • Community: Refactored relic and trait damage mods so that they now apply multiplicatively after all stat mods are applied, like Skill Tree Upgrades, Equipment, Unity, and Mastery. This increases player damage output overall, but also makes the numbers more in-line with player expectations.

  • Community: Previously, only relics that changed player stats for a run were shown in the player info card, and others that only triggered in certain conditions (like every 5th hit) would not show. This inconsistency was confusing and not helpful, so relic and trait mod bonuses have been removed entirely from the player info card.

  • ‘Relic Purified’ text and effect now appears when purifying a relic.

  • Added Might Rune.

  • Added Eldar Rune.

  • Added Lucky Roller Rune.

  • Added High Stakes Rune.

  • Added Folding Rune.

  • Changed Quenching Rune to increase Max Armor.

  • Mana Regen rune stat gain has been reduced.

  • Status Effect Duration Bonus rune stat gain has been reduced.

  • Capacity Runes now raise mana by a flat amount instead of percentage.

  • Certain runes have been redesigned to scale with a variety of player stats, instead of just Strength and Intelligence.

  • Magnesis Rune now starts immediately unlocked.

  • The list of Runes in the Enchantress shop is now sorted in a different, more convenient order.

  • Rune entries in the Gear info menu now shows how many runes are currently equipped.

  • Added Methemoglobinemia Trait.

  • Added Perfectionist Trait.

  • Added FND Trait.

  • Added Clownanthropy Trait.

  • Added Superfluid Trait.

  • A new gear set has been added to the game.

  • If upgrading a piece of equipped gear in the Blacksmith Shop puts the player past their allowed weight, a warning message will now appear before the purchase, and the gear will be unequipped if upgraded.

  • Multiple Unity Bonuses have been changed.

  • All gear bonuses have been buffed to make the early game a little easier.

  • Drop rate table for equipment has been updated to encourage deeper NG runs.


  • Flamers should now keep moving forward with their flame attack after landing if they are knocked back.

  • Changed Flying Skull logic so that they now continually try to press forward with their dash attack, rather than stop completely when knocked back. This makes them a fair bit more dangerous.

  • Added new Large Flame attack to more advanced versions of Flaming Fireballs.

  • Added new Storm attack to more advanced versions of Flying Hammers.

  • Added new Spin attack to more advanced versions of Flying Daggers.

  • Added new Burn attack to more advanced versions of Flying Axes.

  • Tweaked the Fireball attack for Floating Masks.

  • Added new Shrapnel attack to Walking Plants.

  • Added new Explosion attack to Rocket Boxes.

  • Added new Explode Shot attack to more advanced versions of the Eyeballs.

  • Added new Tail projectile attack to Blob Fish.

  • Added new Ground Slam attack to more advanced versions of the Blob Fish.

  • Blob Fish can now walk on water and take no damage from hazards.

  • Zombies now stay out of the ground when you activate them, and only go back under if you stay far away.

  • Added new Lunge attack to more advanced versions Zombies.

  • Zombies now have a delay before they can go into the ground or rise out of it.

  • Zombies that dig underground now play a dust effect so you can still sorta track where they're going.

  • New enemies have appeared in the Pishon Dry Lake!


  • Add House Rules to the Pause menu. The following rules have been added:

    • Modify Enemy Health.

    • Modify Enemy Damage.

    • Toggle Contact Damage.

    • Toggle Flight.

    • Toggle Traits.

    • Toggle Difficulty Rating Display.

  • Added the Pishon Dry Lake biome.

  • Added a new Disclaimer window at start of game to help players that are experiencing input lag.

  • Added a mysterious traveller that now appears around the world.

  • Player HUD now fades out when colliding with player, enemy, or enemy projectiles.

  • Minimap HUD now hides when colliding with objects like the Player HUD.

  • Each level of the Charon stats bonus now gives the player +2 to Rune Weight.

  • Each level of the Charon stats bonus now gives the player +2 to Armor.

  • Gold given to Charon no longer counts toward future donation goals if you've exceeded the current donation limit.

  • Player Crit. Chance can now exceed 100% to allow for Super Critical Strikes.

  • Mastery XP algorithm now scales faster when playing in higher NG+. Upon first launching an old save file, extra XP will be awarded to compensate for the change in the XP algorithm.

  • Community: If a player strikes a resonant projectile on the same frame that they get hit, the destruction of the resonant projectile should now take priority.

  • Added functionality to change the colour of light text on light backgrounds and vice versa to improve text readability (for ex. swapping abilities at the Curio Shoppe). This logic needs to be added on a per-menu basis, so there may still be scenarios where this is not fully working.

  • Charon Tribute Levels have been raised.

  • Map icons now animate.

  • Fairy Chests now have a chance of dropping Empathies.

  • Community: Player damage retaliation no longer triggers if the player got hit but took no damage.

  • Community: Rounded all Health and Mana gain up instead of down.

  • The Threads of Fate have been unlocked up to NG +20.

  • The level text is now hidden on Aether and Ore transfer Soul Shop entry descriptions.

  • Added new Glossary menu.

  • Merged Insight and Timeline menu into Quest menu.

  • The damage text pop-up animation for when characters get hit now randomly shift slightly to the left or right to help readability when multiple pop-ups appear in rapid succession.

  • Community: Added Unequip All Gear logic to Blacksmith shop.

  • Community: Added Unequip All Runes logic to Enchantress shop.

  • Community: Added Remove All Burdens logic to Threads of Fate.

  • Re-enabled scientific terms in the Game Settings.

  • Game Settings description text now uses Info icons instead Warning icons.

  • Optimized world generation. (Still have a ways to go, though!)

  • Improved generation of the Stygian Study and Kerguelen Plateau biomes, allowing them to sprawl out more horizontally.

  • 10 new rooms have been added to the pool.

  • New Fairy Rooms have been added to the pool.

  • 30+ Rooms have been cleaned up to add new entrances, reduce spikes, and fix enemy placements.

  • Divided Axis Mundi into two large rooms instead of one super-large room.

  • Naamah Arena camera logic updated to make it easier to see below you.

  • The Journal UI now shows "???" for missing journal entries/memories, instead of having an empty space.

  • Master Smith has been added to the Soul Shop

  • Relentless Resolve has been removed from the Soul Shop.

  • Community: Skill Tree upgrades locked by a Soul Shop upgrade now display the name of the Soul Shop upgrade that needs to be purchased instead of being blank.

  • Community: Entries in the Soul Shop now have a purchase level and are only unlocked as more items in the Soul Shop have been bought.

  • Added The Dicer’s Den skill.

  • Added The Quantum Observatory skill.

  • Jousting Studies Skill now reduces damage taken when dashing.

  • Resolve Up Skill max level has been reduced from 25 to 20.

  • Increased the font size for the level text of skills in the Skill Tree.

  • Gold and Silver Requirement for Combat Challenge Scars has been increased, and their maximum rewards have been increased as well!

  • Community: Earning a gold trophy in a challenge now immediately unlocks all the empathies for that challenge.

  • Community: Chests that drop empathies now prioritize empathy drops for challenges you have not already earned a gold trophy in.

  • Taking damage in a Platform Challenge now adds to the timer.

  • Added support for PS5 controllers.

  • Removed the PS4/PS5 controller touchpad as a rebindable input. Pressing it will now always open the Map screen.

  • Added a variety of new enemy sound effects.

  • Added new ambient sounds for the Sun Tower.


  • Community: Fixed bug where Preferential Treatment in the Soul Shop would not activate unless you first turned it off then on again even though it says it is activated.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Preferential Treatment Soul Shop ability would not update the list of available classes to include the classes unlocked during that run.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rapidly purchasing skills in the skill tree would slowly make the icon shrink.

  • Tweaked size of entries to Gear info menu to fix issue where the last letter in the descriptions could get clipped.

  • Community: Fixed issue where jumping and attacking on the same frame with weapons that performed different moves in the air (Saber, Axe, Lance, etc.) would lock the player in a standing animation, make them fall very fast off of ledges, and prevent them from dropping down ledges with quick drop.

  • Fixed bug where if the player was on a platform that was too close to a walkable slope, if they walked onto the slope they would immediately snap downward.

  • Fixed game crash if the controller was disconnected while attempting to remap controls.

  • Disconnected controllers during button remapping now kicks you out of the remap menu.

  • Fixed bug where Map Teleporter line was appearing behind the rooms.

  • Fixed bug where players on keyboard would not drop through platforms if they were holding the left or right movement keys.

  • Fixed bug where rooms with both a Special icon and a Teleporter icon would occasionally flip between them. Now special icons take precedence, except when the Teleporter window is open, in which case the Teleporter icon takes precedence.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player could skip past the boss room in the Axis Mundi by jumping over it.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player was appearing in front of the darkened background when choosing to delete a profile.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the player in the profile window would sometimes hold their weapon at the wrong angle.

  • Community: Fixed bug where changing the game resolution while at the Docks would cause the Skill Tree castle to either expand or shrink every time you entered it.

  • Fixed bug where the option to delete a profile would appear on an empty profile if you still pressed the delete button.

  • Community: Fixed bug where killing Irad on the same hit that would trigger a mode shift would result in the middle eye continuing to fight instead of dying with the other eyes.

  • Fixed bug where players could enter NG+ without having beaten the tower yet.

  • Fixed bug where players could still critically strike with 0% Crit. Chance.

  • Player now walks to a position when talking to Geras in Sisyphus.

  • Fixed issue with button glyphs not matching for different gamepads.

  • Fixed bug where game would crash if you disconnected a controller while in its remap menu, but you had another controller connected and you tried to remap input with the new controller.

  • Fixed bug where game would kick you out of the remap menu if any controller was disconnected, even if it wasn't the controller you were remapping.

  • Fixed bug where you could connect a new controller in-between the time a gamepad input was remapped and the modified controller mapping was saved, resulting in one controller having the old map and one controller having the new map.

  • Fixed bug where the image displayed on the remap screen could desync from the controller you were actually remapping by using the keyboard input to enter the remap menu, and you had multiple gamepad controllers connected.

  • Fixed bug where the image displayed on the remap screen could desync from the controller you were actually remapping by holding on the gamepad remap option with a controller plugged in, plugging in a new controller, and entering the gamepad remap option with that controller without pressing any other buttons.

  • Gamepads can no longer start the remapping process for other gamepads or the keyboard, and vice versa. You can still navigate the remap menu, you just cannot start the remapping process.

  • Fixed bug where if the remapping process failed fast enough the remap listener window will never close, resulting in a soft-lock.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the game was not saving the controller map correctly if the first joystick connected was an invalid joystick (for ex. a steering wheel).

  • Community: Fixed bug where connecting non-valid joysticks (like steering wheels) would break the text input glyphs.

  • Fixed bug where connecting a non-valid joystick would prevent other valid joysticks from remapping.

  • Fixed bug where entering the remap menu for one controller type, but using a different controller to navigate, will result in the "Reset to Default" input glyph switching to the most recently used controller type.

  • Fixed bug where the Gear Unity unlock sound effect would play even if the Unity was not unlocked.

  • Fixed bug where the Unity Level Up indicator would not trigger in the Blacksmith Shop if auto-equipping equipment changed the Unity level.

  • Fixed bug where projectiles that spawned new projectiles when they were destroyed were not copying over the Crit. Chance and Crit. Damage values to the new projectile.

  • Fixed bug where the IsGrounded state of pooled ItemDrops was not being reset on spawn, resulting in some ItemDrops immediately triggering their grounded logic when spawning (such as magnetism).

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Boxer could get animation locked if an attack were cast immediately after Blaze Bellows.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Lancer could turn directions after charge dashing due to AttackFlip logic.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Ivy Canopy platform would sometimes spawn in a semi-transparent state.

  • Community: Fixed bug where biome modifiers (such as gold gain in the Axis Mundi) would stay active if the player exited to menu and re-entered the world immediately afterward.

  • Attempted fix of bug where Lamech would occasionally fail to turn on the second attack when using his sword.

  • Fixed bug where Lamech would sometimes turn multiple times after exiting his sword attack.

  • Community: Fixed bug where defeating Enoch while he was casting his vertical beam attack would keep the beam there indefinitely.

  • Community: Fixed bug where defeating Enoch while a proximity hazard was displaying its warning effect would keep the effect there indefinitely.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the amount of souls displayed in the Player HUD was not correct for the brief moment you completed a challenge and had not collected the awarded souls yet.

  • Fixed bug where you could have the game unpaused while the Steam overlay was up if you pressed SHIFT + TAB (default Steam overlay shortcut) while the game was paused.

  • Community: Player is now invincible during all transition swipes and remains invincible for 1 second after exiting them. This fixes bug where player could still get hit and die during swipe transitions when loading into very large rooms.

  • Community: Fixed bug where if player is killed on the same frame as exiting a room but defies death, the next room will fail to load resulting in them falling into the abyss.

  • Fixed bug where the sparkle effect would sometimes be invisible for some chests.

  • Fixed exception bug when exiting to main menu when an enemy is being summoned in.

  • Community: Gunslinger shot now displays quarter cooldown amounts in the Player HUD.

  • Community: Fixed rare scenario where a player could have a boss marked as beaten in their player progress data but not their global progress data.

  • Community: Fixed bug where changing profile slots in the backup menu would constantly bring up the corrupt save file message if loaded from a corrupt profile slot, even if the new profile slot was not corrupt.

  • Changing profile slots in the backup menu no longer brings up a confirm menu.

  • Fixed bug where the backup files loaded into memory were always from the profile you loaded the game with, rather than the profile you are currently on.

  • Community: If you have a corrupt save file and no backups available (which is virtually impossible unless the backups were manually deleted), the game now also gives you the option to switch profiles rather than just begin a new save file.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player would often spawn into the castle on the ground, with a ground smoke effect playing for seemingly no reason. This is fixed by delaying when gravity kicks in for the player when they spawn in the castle.

  • Fixed bug where Suave status effect was applying to all damage instead of just the weapon.

  • Fixed bug where an effect on the Barbarian's Shout was not playing.

  • Fixed bug where if the player went behind an enemy that was jumping, the enemy would play its turn animation twice upon landing.

  • Fixed bug where wolf warning and howl projectiles would not disappear if the howl attack was interrupted.

  • Fixed bug where wolf would slide on the ground when landing after dashing attack.

  • Fixed bug where entering a category in the Blacksmith Shop was not correctly moving the indicator to the currently equipped gear.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the aim indicator was not appearing for Expert or higher versions of the Flying Shield enemy.

  • Community: Fixed bug where certain spells were triggering as two hits when reducing the count on the enemy shields Commander buff.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the player icon position on the minimap would shift when opening the map window.

  • Community: Fixed bug where frozen bouncy spikes would keep moving.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Knockout ability was not consuming combo stacks when hitting the Gongheads or the Murmur.

  • Fixed bug where crossbow enemies would sometimes not shoot in the direction their aim indicator was pointing in.

  • Community: Fixed bug where crossbow enemies would keep following the player when frozen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where fireballs were being blocked by void lanterns.

  • Community: Fixed bug where if you entered a room with two commanders that applied invulnerability, one of them would be invulnerable for a short period of time.

  • Community: Fixed bug where flying bursts and flying hunters were not triggering darkness effects.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Elemental enemies would trigger darkness effects even before they entered hidden walls.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player could not drop down from platforms if their head was touching a ceiling.

  • Community: Fixed bug where some enemies would zip across the screen when landing on platforms 1 unit wide.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player would jitter up and down if he was touching ground and hitting his head on a ceiling at the same time.

  • Community: Fixed bug where certain enemies and player would sometimes zip across the screen under special conditions (separate from the 1 unit bug).

  • Increased turret activation distance to address scenario where if the camera was pulled out or the player dashed quickly enough, some turrets would not fire.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Flying Hunters would not trigger aggro when hit if they had a Commander Buff that prevented them from taking damage.

  • Community: Fixed bug where defeating a Commander that made other enemies invincible would only disable the effect after a short period of time rather than immediately.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the player would not face-plant correctly when entering NG+ if they had modified gravity.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Hero Complex would still show that the player could gain health from healing trees (even though they can't).

  • Community: Fixed bug where Rocket Boxes would sometimes stay in a stuck turn state when firing.

  • Community: Fixed bug where statues in the forest did not have gravity.

  • Second attempt at fixing bug where Boxer would sometimes jitter when attacking things while standing on a sloped platform.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Flying Daggers would have incredible speed if you walked far enough away and culled them while they were dashing at you.

  • Community: Second attempt at fixing bug where player could die and enter a leyline teleporter at the same time, resulting in a soft-lock of the game.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Bouncy Spikes were triggering Mana Burn if you hit them at the same time you hit an enemy.

  • Fixed bug where the aim indicator for the Mage would be too large or small if you had Gigantism or Dwarfism, until you attacked.

  • Community: Bouncy Spikes no longer trigger on-hit cooldown reduction.

  • Community: Reduced Blaze Bellows lifespan after turning it off to fix bug where it would trigger two hits even though it only cost one tick of mana if quickly tapped.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Mage's aim indicator would be visible during cutscenes.

  • Community: Fixed bug where forced AI logic calls were not being reset when an enemy was reset. This resulted in things like the bosses immediately triggering their mode shifts the moment they spawned.

  • Freezing a Flying Hammer in mid shockwave attack now displays a warning projectile for the duration the Flying Hammer is frozen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Rocket Boxes could sometimes attack in the opposite direction they were facing.

  • Fixed bug where the warning projectile for Rocket Boxes would stay active if you interrupted the Rocket Box attack.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Objective Complete HUD (for things like displaying when a world was beaten or an insight was complete) would stay on-screen in the Lineage screen if you retired while the display was up.

  • Community: Fixed bug where some percent values in the Enchantress shop would appear as integer numbers.

  • Community: Fixed bug where an old aim indicator was visible on advanced and higher tier crossbow enemies.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player would appear in their T-Pose when dying to the Blessing of Life.

  • Community: Fixed bug where spin-kicking close enough to the ground would not trigger the collision logic (meaning breakable trap doors beneath the player would not break).

  • Community: Second attempt at fixing bug where spin-kicking a breakable on the same frame you land on it resulted in the player failing to bounce upward.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player projectiles spawning from other projectiles (either due to collisions or death) would not have their cooldown reduction settings initialized. For ex. Hitting with the Lancer's charge explosion (just the explosion) would not reduce on-hit cooldown reduction.

  • Fixed bug where effects would sometimes last longer than they were supposed to.

  • Community: Fixed spikes in Irad boss room not dealing damage when touching them at certain angles.

  • Community: Fixed rounding bug that was preventing spells from being cast if you had a fraction less mana even when the player HUD showed you had enough mana.

  • Souls now come out of the NPC rather than the player when giving the soul reward for talking.

  • Fixed bug where, if Charon awards you with souls, you cannot collect them if you travel to the Castle (but you're still awarded them after the scene loads).

  • Community: Fixed bug where projectiles would sometimes timeout without playing their timeout particle effects.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Enoch's void projectiles would not animate their destruction correctly if they were destroyed prematurely (e.g. via Barbarian Shout).

  • Fixed bug where void projectiles would lose their trail particle effects if the projectile ever went off-screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the second explosion attack from Irad's bottom eye would have sometimes have its warning effect disappear prematurely.

  • Community: Added more aggressive repositioning logic to clouds and water to hopefully fix edge scenarios where the player could still fall into the water and be teleported back to an invalid spot that would drop them back in again.

  • Community: Added a larger vertical knockback when hitting water or clouds to fix bug where enemies could slowly fall into the water and disappear without dying.

  • Fixed bug where some props that were too close to one another would spawn on top of each other.

  • Enemies that have no gravity and do not collide with terrain no longer perform raycasts to improve performance.

  • Community: Enemies that are falling now trigger raycast checks on both sides to fix bug where they would sometimes glitch out when sliding down slopes.

  • Community: Fixed bug where hitting a Flying Skull just as they were about to dash attack would result in them rocketing away at warp 9.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Crit. Strikes triggered by status effects were not applying Lachesis' Measure.

  • Community: Fixed bug where entering a scar with the Hollow Bones trait would double the lower gravity effect when exiting the challenge.

  • Fixed issue where the text margins for some Soul Shop entry titles was shortened to fit the extra buttons on it, even when the buttons were unavailable.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Magic Break was not applying to status effect damage like Burn.

  • Fixed bug where the UI colliders that hid the Player HUD were not scaling with camera zoom level.

  • Fixed null reference bug if Enoch was killed on the same frame a vertical beam was destroyed.

  • Attack flip logic now stops triggering once the player hits an enemy.

  • Community: Attempted fix of bug where breakables would lose their ability to be hit if they were culled when they were set to "DoNotCull" due to pooling.

  • Community: Fixed bug where heroes in the Lineage screen could clip through one another if they were too large or their weapons were too long.

  • Community: Fixed bug where stopping an NPC dialogue fast enough could get the NPC stuck in an animation.

  • Community: Fixed the tutorial stage so that free-looking doesn't show glitched parts of the level.

  • Community: Fixed bug where effects would appear in front of Charon's boat.

  • Fixed bug where the Zombie's hand would be visible upon first instantiation.

  • Community: Sky now scales larger to fit if the room is larger than the skybox size.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Bouncy Spikes could appear as enemies in a combat Fairy room, resulting in auto-completion of the room if every enemy is a Bouncy Spike.

  • Tweaked the position of the flap on the Pause upper menu as it was blocking some text because it was too low.

  • Changed the 'View Portraits' text in Lineage menu to 'View Legacy'.

  • Fixed bug where the Pizza fabled weapon was unkickable if you did not have the resonant spinkick heirloom.

  • Added delay to text pop up when failing to cast an ability to reduce message spamming.

  • Community: Fixed bug where holding the Free-Look key on the keyboard would lock your character into movement, even in scenarios where they weren't allowed to move.

  • Community: Fixed bug where non-perfect blocks on enemies with Armor Shred would not reduce the player's armor.

  • Fixed bug where none of the turret hazards (or the turret flamethrower projectile) was triggering a fade-out collision.

  • Fixed bug where journal text with carriage returns would result in having a leading white space or two when displayed in the Journal menu.

  • Fixed bug where the intros for all bosses except the Forest boss were missing SFX.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Gunslinger reload effects would disappear when switching rooms.

  • Community: Fixed bug where White Star was not destroying curse projectiles when it exploded.

  • Community: Fixed bug where it would take a while for Memory ambience SFX to stop playing when switching biomes.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Map Icons would appear behind the borders of rooms.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rerolling a relic in the Relic Swap room could swap to the same relic.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rerolling an ability in the Curio Shoppe could swap to the same ability.

  • Community: Fixed bug where there would be a lingering white sprite during certain effects when graphics quality was set to low.

  • Community: Healing rooms are now clamped to only heal up to the player's max HP and MP.

  • Community: Fixed bug where players could get twin relics for Lilies and other special relics.

  • Community: Fixed bug where dying in the Axis Mundi would carry the biome gold bonus over to your heirs.

  • Community: Fixed bug where a second relic would sometimes float in the air in rooms with only one relic to choose from.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Cartographer trait was hiding the player icon when accessing the teleporter map screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where spin-kicking while behind a wall would remove the muffled audio effect.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Flying Axe would break tint effects when behind walls after attacking.

  • Community: Freeze Status Effect now resets when casted on an enemy that is already frozen, instead of cancelling it.

  • Community: Fixed bug where text in Curio Shoppe was not showing input icons.

  • Community: Fixed bug with repeat hit collision that resulted in the damage ticks to enemies occurring too frequently in certain scenarios.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rapidly applying the burn status effect to an enemy would not trigger the damage ticks until the application stopped.

  • Community: Fixed bug where aiming for the Knockout Talent was locked while standing on certain one-ways.

  • Fixed bug where Blightborn Astarte could get stuck if it slid to the end of a platform.

  • Fixed bug where the Bow would sometimes shoot incorrectly-colored arrows.

  • Fixed bug where entering Lamech's throne room would cause the torches to play a spark effect if the door was open.

  • Fixed bug where jumping in midair while holding down would not perform a jump if "Enable Jump+Attack to Spinkick" was disabled in the settings.

  • Fixed bug where Vitality mastery mods were not displaying on the Player Card.

  • Fixed bug where advanced Mimic Chests would loop their dash audio forever if you left the room while they were dashing.

  • Fixed bug where rooms would be permanently removed from the available room pool over the course of several runs, causing them to never appear again until the game was restarted.

  • Fixed bug where certain rooms (such as the Plateau's heirloom room, the Gongheads entrance room, and the mystery room on the right side of the Study) would sometimes fail to spawn.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Tower boss entrance room was sometimes inaccessible.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the journal rooms in Axis Mundi and Sun Tower would sometimes fail to spawn.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rooms in the Sun Tower would sometimes be mirrored incorrectly, allowing you to fall out of bounds.

  • Community: Fixed bug where one Arena room did not have the correct visual effect.

  • Fixed bug where foreground props were no longer appearing. (This had been broken since The Far Shores!)

  • Fixed bug where one of the player's death animations was playing the wrong sound.

  • Community: Fixed bug where relics were not resetting correctly after exiting a scar, causing you to sometimes have negative or zero charges on a relic you just picked up.

  • Community: Fixed bug where some objects were not deactivated during scene transitions. This caused books to sometimes appear in strange places in the lineage scene.

  • Fixed bug where moving between the Sun Tower interior and exterior would not always cause a swipe transition.

  • Fixed bug where the black background of the Map, Profile, and Timeline pause screens did not fully cover the screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Blacksmith UI was displaying strength, magic, dexterity, and focus as floating point numbers instead of integers.

  • Community: Fixed bug where visiting the Forest category in the Journal would sometimes cause other categories to gain or lose entries.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Doomvases would sometimes get stuck in corners or wiggle across the screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Panic Attack trait effect would remain permanently active if it was active while a portrait cutscene played.

  • Community: Fixed bug where dash-canceling out of a shield counterattack would sometimes cause the player to play their counterattack animation the next time the shield was used.

  • Fixed bug where no audio was played for certain projectiles.

  • Community: Fixed bug where dying or retiring between Lamech's phases would cause his second phase music to play in the lineage scene.

  • Community: Fixed bug where entering a Scar with air dash/air jump runes would not immediately reset your number of dashes/jumps to the correct amount.

  • Community: Fixed bug where music would stop permanently if a biome transition loading screen took longer than a few seconds.

  • Community: Fixed bug where biome music would not stop soon enough when leaving a biome, causing it to continue playing during the loading screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where max mana trait modifiers were not being applied on top of the base max mana stat.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Crippling Intellect was not reducing weapon damage.

  • Community: Fixed bug where certain player projectiles could be destroyed by other player projectiles (like when throwing a pizza while standing on an Ivy Platform).

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Axis Mundi and Sun Tower maps did not have special room icons at the correct locations (or sometimes did not have them at all).

  • Fixed bug where getting several Max HP gains in quick succession would cause several "Max HP +%" popups to appear on top of each other.

  • Fixed bug where the "Max HP +%" text popup would get further and further away from the HP bar the more HP you had.

  • Community: Fixed bug where rerolling heirs could sometimes cause heirs to clip into the background or disappear entirely.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Portobellows were not stopping at the end of their charge attack.

  • Community: Fixed bug where spinkicking behind a hidden wall would cause the player to lose their silhouette effect.

  • Fixed bug where non-16:9 aspect ratios were not displaying letterboxes or pillarboxes, causing strange visual glitches, particularly if 16:9 was not forced in the Graphics Settings.

  • Fixed bug where non-16:9 aspect ratios did not display the death scene correctly.

  • Fixed bug where non-16:9 aspect ratios did not display the loading gate transition properly.

  • Fixed bug where non-16:9 aspect ratios caused the "Lv." text on the skill tree screen to appear in unexpected places.

  • Fixed bug where certain foreground and background objects would render in the wrong places when forcing 16:9 on a 4:3 window.

  • Changed the Pishon Dry Lake entrance room to only have one possible entrance, which should make it build more reliably and fixes issue where special rooms would spawn attached to the entrance.

  • Platforms created via Ivy Seed will now also grant SporeBurst, even if you do not have the Ivy Canopy talent.

  • Community: Antiques will now always appear beneath traits in the lineage description card.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the crossbow enemies would spin around in strange ways when you enter a room.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Body Buffet was dropping 2 meats/pizzas per enemy kill instead of 1.

  • Community: Fixed bug where dying while having a Panic Attack then playing as an heir with the Puritan trait would cause them to censor themselves.

  • Fixed bug where the map screen would draw on top of the letterboxes/pillarboxes in non-16:9 aspect ratios.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Axis Mundi's middle room had invisible ledges so you could stand mid-air in its doorways.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the display of burdens could go into the negatives when reducing the required burdens to enter NG+ via Soul Shop.

  • Community: Fixed bug where trying a new spell in the Curio Shoppe would not mark it as seen for future playthroughs.

  • Boss battle music now starts during the boss's intro animation instead of starting immediately when you enter the room.

  • Leaving a biome and returning will now always play the same music (randomly selected the first time you enter a biome per run).

  • The first time you enter a biome, the intro will play in full unless you exit the room before it's finished.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the sniper enemies would spin around in strange ways when the player enters a room.

  • Fixed bug where Enoch did not have hit SFX.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the White Star spell could kill you during a dialogue sequence.

  • Fixed bug where windows in the Tutorial were not being drawn correctly.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.1


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.2