Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.2

We’re back with another bugfix patch for Rogue Legacy 2. We noticed people are still having trouble with the collision system at lower frame rates, so we’ve done yet another pass (fifth time’s a charm) on improving the logic. Wide-reaching changes like these are always risky, but we’ve done a bunch of testing and stability does seem much better. Other than that, not much to highlight as the previous update already addresses most of the priority issues. This release focuses more on tackling the minor annoyances that have cropped up.

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Implemented new collision logic. Should improve stability and jitter, particularly when playing the game at a framerate lower than 60.

  • Added a brief lockout period so you cannot attack immediately after spin-kicking. This is to prevent an exploit where spamming attack + spin-kick would let you attack repeatedly without any cooldown.

  • Changed reroll Relic logic so that you can now only reroll once per Relic room.


  • Fixed bug where the modded value of resources was not being tallied correctly in the death recap.

  • Fixed bug where freezing an enemy on the same frame they're about to do an attack would yield unexpected results (sometimes attacking, sometimes not).

  • Improved the placement of icons when player gets hit and a relic ability kicks in.

  • Fixed bug where certain enemies that spawned too close to walls would sometimes slide across the room the moment the player entered.

  • Fixed bug where the game was not correctly tracking how many times a relic was rerolled.

  • Fixed bug where hitting the increase/decrease buttons in a shop menu fast enough would make it eventually shrink into oblivion.

  • Fixed bug where switching classes in the Skill Tree with the Pacifist trait active would disable the ability to swing the sign.

  • Fixed bug where triggering the Soul Shop before all rewarded souls were picked up (either from beating a challenge or completing a dialogue thread with an NPC) would desync the souls you owned and the souls actually displayed in the player HUD.

  • Fixed bug where players could slip through the plank that leads to the boat on the Docks if they have Dwarfism and the game is running at a low frame rate.

  • Fixed bug where Skeleton archers could shoot through doors if they are right up against them.

  • Fixed bug where player would sometimes stand in the wrong position when talking to an NPC.

  • Burdens now properly display their hint information when they are locked.

  • Burden no longer updates its "New" icon if the burden is locked.

  • Locked burdens no longer hides the purchase box text.

  • Fixed bug where the pizza weapon would sometimes immediately break upon the next throw after entering a tunnel door.

  • Removed the SHIFT + ~ debug FPS counter from non-standalone retail builds.

  • Fixed bug where all enemy Mage variants were not triggering collider collision effects (like going dark when inside a hidden wall).

  • Fixed bug where critical hits on the player would freeze when the player died.

  • Fixed text alignment bug when the gold gain from traits was too high on a character in the lineage screen.

  • Fixed bug where player would get stuck in an eternal teleporting loop if they hit water on the same frame they landed on ground.

  • Fixed regression bug where the player souls amount would appear whenever the player entered a new room.

  • Fixed bug where the soul cost would still be displayed for a Soul Shop item that was already max level.

  • Fixed (yet another) bug where player could sometimes fall through water or clouds.

  • Fixed bug where sometimes if you activate a zombie for the first time in a room, a giant polygon appears for a brief second.

  • Fixed a number of graphical bugs with some stages.

  • Fixed a number of in-game spelling mistakes.

  • Fixed bug where the Gear card would appear invisible if you had too many runes equipped.

  • Fixed bug where Antikytheria wasn't stacking.

  • Fixed bug where Antikytheria wasn't applying its Intelligence gains immediately when killing an enemy.

  • Fixed bug where Commanders were no longer dropping ore.

  • Fixed bug where entering a Healing room with a Lotus Relic would use up one of its charges.

  • Fixed bug where Painting enemies would sometimes have their angry face visible when entering a room, before they were aggroed.

  • Fixed bug where the smaller skeletons spawned from the Skeleton Prime bosses could get commander buffs.

  • Fixed bug where you could start a run with Charon's Trial as an Antique.

  • Fixed bug where if you selected another window during launch (before the CDG splash screen), the game window would still think it had focus, allowing you to use the mouse/keyboard/gamepad to interact with the game in the background.

  • Fixed bug where getting hit when you had a fully charged Coeus Shield and a Lotus Stem would cause both of them to lose a charge. (Now Coeus Shield blocks the full hit.)

  • Fixed bug where the NG+ / Burdens HUD would appear in the middle of the screen on 4:3 aspect ratios.

  • Fixed bug where Paladin Maiden would throw the wrong type of spear.

  • Fixed bug where the Living Safe would display incorrectly-rounded conversion rates.

  • Fixed bug where Vitality mastery was only acting as an HP multiplier, instead of multiplying Vitality itself.

  • Fixed bug where Aqua Braces were displaying their aim indicator even when they were spawned in fairy rooms.

  • Fixed bug where opening any chest with Diogenes Bargain would cause flies to come out of it, even if it contained ore/aether/blueprints/etc.

  • Fixed bug where NG+ level was not being reset when entering Scars, causing enemies and hazards to deal way more damage than they should.

  • Fixed bug where the enemy health HUD was appearing on top of the Player card in the pause menu.

  • Eating pizza now properly gives your Cooking talent 2 charges instead of 1.

  • The Curse commander buff activation range now scales with the camera's zoom level, so enemies on-screen but farther away can still send curses at you.

  • Fixed bug where attacking faceless dummies would cause pizza to appear in their hand.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.0 – The Dragon’s Vow Update


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.1