Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.3

The last patch was in a pretty good state, however a few more issues came up so we’re taking the opportunity to address them. This isn’t the biggest patch we’ve ever released, but it does have some nice quality-of-life fixes and minor balance tweaks. Please note, we are aware some people are experiencing launch issues with the game as well as with monitor switching. The bug has been isolated as a problem launching the game in exclusive fullscreen with the engine we’re using, so playing in fullscreen borderless will avoid this bug entirely.  

For players unable to run the game, please use these launch options before running it again: 

-screen-fullscreen 1 -window-mode borderless -monitor 1

We’re trying our best to get it resolved, and we appreciate the patience.

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Hephaestus' Hammer:

    • Damage slightly decreased.

    • Now gains 2 mana per hit.

    • Attack range reduced slightly.

  • Enkindled Gauntlets:

    • Explosion Radius reduced (this is a buff).

  • Burden of Blood correction: Burden of Blood was supposed to restore 250% of damage dealt to player back to the enemy as HP per burden. Instead it was implemented as 250% being the max HP restore after equipping all burdens. We are fixing this slowly by increasing the HP return per stack to 150% for this update, and will bring it to its fully intended 250% HP return in the patch after.

  • The following traits have been changed:

    • Community: Gigantism now gives 25% gold gain from Health Care.

    • Community: Ectomorph now gives 25% gold gain from Health Care.

  • Moving trinkets and other equipment to Gold chests drastically reduced odds of getting Ore. We are reverting this change so that Gold chests no longer drop equipment (they now only drop Ore and Empathies). Additionally, trinkets now appear in Silver chests.

  • Some players, especially those who chose to skip dialogue, were getting stuck in the first part of the game when they had to find the Echo Boots. The following changes were made to address this:

    • A new tutorial sequence was added to help guide player to the first Echo Heirloom, and to better showcase what type of game Rogue Legacy 2 is.

    • A new tutorial popup was added to tower to explain Void Orb Dash Resetting.


  • Community: Fixed a number of room issues including:

    • Poor merging at the top of the tower (where you could jump up into a cloud).

    • Enemy spawn points in a fairy room that were too close to walls.

    • Certain scenario where two rooms could merge, resulting in an enclosed area that would corrupt the background scenery.

    • Tower Boss Entrance room would create invisible platforms that blocked you from entering or exiting the room below.

  • Community: Enemies no longer take damage if the player is at 0 health, to address conflicts when the player and a boss die at the same time.

  • Community: Status effects now apply to each of Irad's eyes separately, to fix issue of status effects applying triple the amount to him.

  • Bosses are now immune to status effects during their mode-shift.

  • Fixed bug where the Enemy Evolution burden was applying to more enemies than intended when entering a room.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Mage could get two of the same ability from the Curio Shoppe.

  • Community: Fixed bug where death recap would sometimes display the incorrect amount of resources collected in a run.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the backup save file window would cause a soft crash of the game if there were files in the backup folder that did not match the expected naming convention.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Fate's Die was not displaying or calculating the number of kills correctly.

  • Status Effect damage numbers will now trigger higher damage numbers with Hypochondriac trait.

  • Community: Fixed bug where decos on a prop would not fall if the prop falls.

  • Community: Fixed bug where a number of relics were triggering their abilities on status effects.

  • Fixed bug where the Cartographer trait was resetting the visibility state of rooms you had visited.

  • Selecting a teleporter to a different biome with the Cartographer trait no longer shows an invisible room.

  • Increased the zoom speed of map when using mouse track wheel.

  • Community: Attempted fix of Murmur turning during its death sequence.

  • Community: Fixed bug where connect-to-slope logic was using velocity to determine slope raycast position, instead of facing direction. Fixes bug where Boxer jitters when hitting something while standing on a slope.

  • Community: Lady Quinn's gravity is now disabled to prevent her from randomly falling. We were unable to provide a proper fix since we could not repro the falling bug.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Hypercoagulation trait was still applying when the player got hit even though they were invincible.

  • Community: Fixed bug where entering the Boss Entrance to the Sun Tower would display the wrong background if entered from a save file.

  • Community: Fixed bug where player would enter the world with the darkness tint effect applied depending on the seed.

  • Fixed bug where the delay that prevented enemies from attacking or dealing damage sometimes did not trigger.

  • Fixed bug where hitting a spawned boss hard enough to trigger their second mode within a short period of time would prevent their logic from activating.

  • Added new enemy sound effects.

  • Added audio for the Drift House and its residents.

  • Fixed bug where the Blacksmith would sometimes not show the "upgrade available" icon for categories with available upgrades.

  • Fixed bug where if you already purified one Pandora's Bargain relic, any subsequent Pandora's Bargains you picked up would only require you to kill one enemy before giving you the reward.

  • Fixed exception bug caused by critting yourself with the Enkindled Gauntlets.

  • Fixed bug where attacking an enemy projectile with Wind Wall would cause that projectile to play the wind wall death sfx multiple times. (Most noticeable with slug slime.)

  • Fixed bug where the Blessing of Life would say it deals a massively negative amount of damage if you have an unpurified Pandora's Bargain relic.

  • Fixed bug where entering a relic room would reset Coeus Shell.

  • Fixed bug where Blessing of Life would sometimes display incorrect damage amounts for Coeus Shell and Grave Bell.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.0 – The Pizza Mundi Update


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.2