Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.0 – The Pizza Mundi Update

It’s a surprise pizza party! Only a month has passed since our last update and we’re pulling a new content patch hot out of the oven. It was always our plan to release an interim update that really gave purpose to fans that continued to play Rogue Legacy 2 into New Game Plus and beyond. And what better way to serve this than on a delicious pizza pie? Rogue Legacy 2 is already oozing with content, but we’re always looking for new ways to add fresh ideas and toppings. And we’re super hungry to show you what we’re dishing out in this latest patch.

The Pizza Mundi update isn’t a full content release with a new biome and new classes. Instead, it is an interim patch that spotlights a few features that we simply couldn’t wait to release, some major balance changes, and a whole lotta pizza. That said, in lieu of all this tinkering all Gear and Runes have been unequipped. Make sure to redo your loadout before tackling the dangers of the Citadel!

The ability to level up Gear and Runes has now been locked behind an upgrade in the new Soul Shop. But don’t worry, nothing has been lost! Previously purchased higher tiers of equipment will automatically become available the moment these upgrades are bought at the Soul Shop. While we know it feels bad to lose something you originally had, the loss is very temporary. Even better, all equipment can now go to higher tiers than before! This was our original vision for how the Soul Shop was going to work.

When releasing the Drifting Worlds Update a bug cropped up that prevented RL2 from launching for players using certain multi-monitor setups. We have isolated the issue to be within Unity, the third-party engine used for Rogue Legacy 2. This means we cannot address it ourselves, however a fix is in the works. We can’t provide a timeline for when the issue will be fixed, but while we wait we are rolling back the engine to a previous stable version.


  • It’s Pizza Time! – It’s a true pizza party with the Pizza Mundi update. Not only are we finally adding a sign to the pizza shop where you find the stranded pizza delivery person, but everyone on the Docks eats pizza too! There’s also unique pizza health drops that are more potent than your average chicken drumstick. And finally, fables speak of an ancient weapon, laden with pepperoni and oozing with cheese, that only the luckiest adventurers will find...

  • The Soul Shop – The purpose of the mysterious glowing orbs collected from fallen Estuaries is finally being revealed! The Soul Shop is opening in the Drifthouse, helmed by two adorable chthonic siblings. Unlock extremely powerful upgrades that affect all playthroughs in a profile, such as permanently improving your manor, locking preferred character classes, and more. Don’t forget that these unique powerups require Soul, a rare currency that can only be gathered in a handful of ways. Fun Fact: The Soul Shop is actually what this update was supposed to centre around but pizza’s funnier.

  • Relationships v2 – A lot of time was spent writing and implementing the new relationships that the player can have with the folks at the Docks, so we were saddened to hear how little impact they had when released in the Drifting Worlds. Feedback suggested our way of dispensing these tidbits of story were too irregular, making it difficult to follow what was going on. So we’ve gone back and completely rehauled the logic. Now only a few stories ever run at one time, we’ve sped up how often they appear, and players are rewarded when reaching the end of a story thread. We’re hoping this improves story coherence and provides incentives for players to seek out these narratives.

  • Axis Mundi Returns – While we are very proud of the world diversity shown in Rogue Legacy 2, the truth is not all biomes are equal and some are enjoyed more than others. This point is most pronounced with the Axis Mundi. We want all biomes to be regions players are excited to explore over and over, however the Axis Mundi is an area with very high challenge and very little reward. To help address this we are increasing the room count by almost 20% with a focus on combat. Adventurers exploring the region will also get a special “Scavenger Bonus”, which will raise the player’s overall gold gain. And as the cherry on top, all loot that hits the water will magnetize to the player. All-in-all, we’re trying to reduce frustration and make the biome less intimidating.

  • Major Balance Changes: While the pizza was baking in the oven we took a long, hard look at the game’s difficulty curve and went through a major balance pass to improve accessibility for newer players. Long story short, the game is easier in the beginning to allow new players to get their bearings, but eventually does reach its originally intended difficulty.


Difficulty Easing System added. Enemies will have less health and deal reduced damage during the early parts of the game. This system is only active during the first playthrough, and is disabled in higher NGs.

  • Community: Hazards (water, spikes, chain balls, etc) damage reduced by 20%.

  • Community: Pizza Girl Teleporter prices all normalized to 1750 gold.

  • New clues have been added for the Bridge, Far Shore, and Study Heirlooms. We’re using these windows of opportunity to better explain how the puzzles in the game work, and to reduce the number of people that get stuck on mandatory path puzzles.

  • Community: Lamech, Naamah, and Skeleton Boss HP reduced slightly.


The following changes have been made to skills:

  • Health/Attack/Magic/Focus/Dex UP III: Max level raised from 25 to 30.

  • Weapon Crit Damage Up: Max level raised from 25 to 30.

  • Magic Crit Damage Up: Max level raised from 25 to 30.

  • Armor Up I: Max level raised from 5 to 15 and price lowered.

  • Armor Up II: Max level raised from 10 to 25 and price lowered.

  • Armor Up III: Max level raised from 15 to 35 and price lowered.

  • Health/Attack/Magic/Focus/Dex/Equip Weight/Rune Weight II and III: Price for all these skills moderately reduced.

  • Scaling speed of Ore drops from Commanders increased.

  • Logic for how Gear is rewarded now uses a variant of the Rune Drop system. Drops won’t be so clumped together, and upgraded blueprints have a higher chance of spawning sooner.

  • Ore prices lowered and cost has more variance between pieces of Gear in the same set, giving players more opportunity to pick and choose what they want to upgrade. Overall, Ore costs are down ~25%.

  • Aether prices up. Their low price was actually a bug, so we fixed it and tweaked the numbers slightly (prices are higher than before but lower than originally intended).

  • Rune drop rates rebalanced. They’ll drop slightly slower to keep them from all dropping in NG+0 and +1.

  • NG+ Boss Chests will now scale appropriately into future NG+’s.

  • If you battle a Prime Boss, an additional scaling modifier will be applied as well.


  • Community: Dexterity and Focus buffed. The critical hit chance for each point in these stats has been raised.

  • Every point in Dexterity and Focus will now slightly increase critical damage as well.

  • Lancer Tweak (Community): Lancers can now change their facing direction while charging.

  • Lancer Buff (Community): An explosion now occurs at the end of a Lancer’s charged attack (AoE strikes yay!)

  • Lancer Buff: Lancer Mastery changed from 1 Flat Armor Bonus to % Armor Gain. This will help amplify the buff added to armor in the Skill Tree.

  • Boxer Buff: Combo duration raised from 1.75 secs to 2.0 secs. While this change wasn’t really needed, it does allow players to be more creative with how they keep the combo going.

  • Community: Tweaked the Axe weapon so that if you are in the tell animation of the air spin attack when you land, the attack will immediately switch to a standard ground attack.


  • Community: Lotus Petal max mana increased from 25 to 50.

  • Community: Grave Bell death dodge chance increased from 20% to 25%. Max stacks required reduced from 4 to 3.

  • War Drum now raises damage on every unique relic rather than total relics owned. Damage increased from 5% to 7.5%. This change was to dissuade players from making high-stack but low diversity garbage builds.

  • Community: Hector’s Helm low health bonus trigger raised from 25% to 50%.

  • Community: Achille’s Shield high health bonus trigger lowered from 100% to 50%.

  • 2 New relic categories have been added. Cursed Relics, and Purified Relics. This will help clean up relic prices.

  • Pandora’s Bargain, is now Pandora’s Trial.

  • Pandora Trial’s Resolve cost from -15 to 0. Pandora’s box is now a Cursed Relic

  • Pandora’s Reward is now a Purified relic.

  • Cosmic Insight Redesign. Mana gain from taking damage raised from 50 -> 100. Mana gained can now Overcharge (exceeds your maximum mana pool).

  • Character Select now displays Antique resolve cost with a Resolve icon instead of italicized text.

  • The Grave Bell will now play a bell sound when activated.


  • You will now start with a default character with max stats for every Scar challenge. Now you can tackle challenges whenever you want and not have to worry about being under-leveled.

  • Preserver of Life challenge has been added.

  • Heavy Weapon challenge has been added.

  • Simple Start challenge has been added.

  • Sisyphus challenge has been updated to better explain how Scar challenges work.

  • Scar challenges have been given a difficulty indicator.

  • Added Reward info and Par Time info (platform challenges only) to Scar Challenge descriptions.

  • Geras now drops souls when you return from a Scar with a new trophy, instead of getting the souls silently added to your total.


  • The Soul Shop opens along with a myriad of new ways to improve your hero.

  • A new boss has been added to the game. Enable the Burden of the Beast in the Threads of Fate to challenge it!

  • Boss Memories now appear in sequence and are a new colour to help differentiate them from other memories.

  • 3 New Relics have been added to the game. Lotus Stem (Epic Relic), Charon’s Trial (Cursed Relic), and Charon’s Reward (Purified Relic).

  • 4 new Runes have been added to the game: Stone, Red, Sharpened, and Focal.

  • 1 new Fabled Weapon has been added to the game.

  • New lore has been added.

  • The Burden of Flame now increases the turn speed of enemy projectiles in addition to their movement speed.

  • Pizza sign added to the pizza shop entrance.

  • Added 9 new rooms to the Axis Mundi.

  • Scavenger Bonus added to the Axis Mundi that rewards players with bonus gold while traversing the biome.

  • Entering a biome now displays its risk level to indicate to players the preferred route when playing Rogue Legacy 2.

  • Item drops now magnetize to the player when falling off the map or hitting water and clouds (except for health drops if you’re vegan). This should drastically reduce the frustration when navigating biomes such as the Axis Mundi and the Sun Tower.

  • Added a new Pizza slice item drop that randomly appears and gives player more health than a regular drumstick.

  • New pizza-eating animations have been added to a variety of NPCs that inhabit the Docks.

  • Community: Completing NPC arcs will now give you a reward!

  • NPC Dialogue Priority System changed. Stories will now be more streamlined, focusing on certain NPC’s over others until their story is finished.

  • Lineage now shows how much mastery bonus a class rewards you with (assuming you are at least level 1 mastery).

  • Community: Beating an NG+ boss now gives bonus resources.

  • Pacifists now have chains over their inactive abilities in the Player HUD.

  • Speech bubble for the dummy at the top of the docks is now visible off-screen if she has something to say.

  • Aerodynamic hitbox size increased.

  • Community: Added a skip feature to the death recap screen. Press once to fast forward, press again to instantly skip to the end of the animation.

  • Community: Empathies for Platforming Scars (like Narrow Praxis) will now start the timer at a negative number instead of slowing down the game.

  • Increased size of the "Death Defied" banner and moved it to the top-center of the screen, rather than underneath the player.

  • All music and game audio is now muted when in the Death Defy screen.

  • The Death Defy screen now automatically closes itself instead of requiring a button press.

  • Added new rewind and victory sound effects for the Death Defy screen.

  • Community: Trick walls can now be opened with the Pacifist's weapon.

  • Added icons to the categories in the Library menu.

  • Updated the titling for journal entries in the Library.

  • Updated the description of stats in the Threads of Fate shop so that it follows the formula of all the other shops.

  • All resources are now always displayed at the Docks.

  • Added a bunch of new SFX.


  • Community: Fixed bug where Burden of Blood was causing Irad to desync his HP values with the other eyes.

  • Community: Fixed regression bug where certain traits (like Diva) were not displaying correctly.

  • Fixed bug where viewing patch notes on the main menu would darken the entire screen.

  • Fixed bug where money bags would sometimes glitch their animations when landing.

  • Fixed bug where walking backwards on sloped terrain while attacking would cause jitter.

  • Community: Fixed bug where objects would sometimes not drop when standing on breakable platforms in the Kerguelen Plains.

  • Community: Fixed bug where lance attack effects and resonant kick effects were not scaling with player size.

  • Fixed bug where upgrading an item in a shop would keep the button highlighted, even if you could no longer afford the next upgrade.

  • Fixed bug where Resolve Used in the Challenge Complete screen would sometimes appear as a float (79.9999) instead of a whole number.

  • Fixed bug where the Scar timer would sometimes not appear in the correct position on the screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where it was possible to run back and forth to trap certain enemies in their turning animation, effectively freezing their AI logic.

  • Fixed bug where runes that were discovered but not purchased yet were incorrectly influencing the spawn rate of other runes.

  • Fixed bug where False Enoch would sometimes dash to the right when facing left, and vice versa.

  • Fixed bug where Antikytheria and Coeus' Shell would reset their charges even if the player did not take damage from a hit.

  • Fixed bug where Antikytheria would increment the kill counter when defeating bosses or minibosses, instead of just normal enemies.

  • Fixed bug where ropes for hanging targets would sometimes appear in front of the target if you got close to them.

  • Fixed bug where text could exceed the horizontal size of the lineage screen description box.

  • Fixed bug where the Blacksmith and Enchantress description boxes would sometimes incorrectly round values downward (1.9999 -> 1).

  • Community: Fixed bug where the mimic chest's status bar was in the middle of the sprite, making it hard to see.

  • Community: Fixed bug where hitting an idle mimic would sometimes not perform any knockback, causing them to leap directly into their attack.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the filled amount of the player's healthbar would not match the actual health value (particularly for characters with Osteogenesis Imperfecta who died and were revived with Hyperion's Ring).

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Retaliation Rune return damage would not be exaggerated for characters with the Histrionic trait.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the Enchantress UI would sometimes display percents as 0.xx instead of xx% when unequipping items.

  • Community: Fixed bug where hidden walls would not be lit correctly if you cast Lightning Storm or Tesla Spike inside of them.

  • Fixed bug where the lance explosion effect would sometimes trigger at the wrong time or in the wrong direction.

  • Fixed bug where relic icons would sometimes be the wrong size after a reroll.

  • Community: Fixed bug where hitting any of Irad's eyes would increment the Glowing Ember hit counter once for every active eyeball.

  • Community: Fixed bug where you could exceed the Glowing Ember max stacks by repeatedly hitting an invincible enemy.

  • Fixed bug where Irad's bottom eye was not fully immune to status effects while closed.

  • Fixed bug where attacking an invincible enemy would cause the enemy health HUD to disappear or flicker.

  • Fixed bug where the Diogenes Bargain XP bonus was not scaling its bonus correctly for higher enemy tiers.

  • Fixed bug where Heavy Stone Bargain was displaying an incorrect damage bonus amount in its description.

  • Fixed bug where the Aerodynamic trait attack did not play audio if you had unlocked the Echo Boots.

  • Fixed bug where the player could die after completing a Scar challenge, but before the Challenge Complete screen.

  • Community: Fixed bug where the explosion of the fireball was not destroying curse projectiles.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Ballistic arrows would go through doors and thin walls if you were standing next to them.

  • Fixed bug where a lance projectile would spawn whenever the lancer dashed through a breakable object.

  • Fixed bug where the lance projectile would not match player scale if the player was dashing.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Diva trait would not trigger correctly if an enemy in the room had a commander effect that prevented them from taking damage.

  • Fixed bug where the spoon would disappear if you casted the Cook's talent and you had the spoon fabled weapon.

  • Community: Fixed bug where in certain scenarios Commander traits would change on enemies when re-entering a room.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Portrait enemies would have their portraits change when re-entering a room.

  • Fixed crash bug when killing an enemy that applied invulnerability.

  • Fixed bug where navigating threads in the Threads of Fate with a mouse would sometimes select the incorrect entry.

  • Community: Zombies can no longer have commander status effects applied to them (it just caused too many problems).

  • Community: Fixed bug where restarting a challenge with the Disattuned trait active would permanently set the player's hitbox to size 0 (preventing them from taking damage).

  • Fixed bug where the Gold Gain Unity Set was not updating on the player's HUD until the player entered the castle.

  • Community: Fixed bug where one of Irad's eyes would sometimes not die.

  • Fixed bug where scrolling the mouse wheel while hovering over the left page of the pause menu Gear screen would also cause the right page to scroll, but not vice versa.

  • Community: Fixed bug where dying to water in a challenge would trigger the player to teleport back to land and re-enable input, allowing them to pause the game during the teleport-out sequence and crash the game when choosing to restart or exit the challenge.

  • Community: Fixed bug where running far enough away from a Mimic Chest to trigger its culling logic while it was in its death sequence would result it in staying visible as an inactive chest when you went back to it.

  • Community: Fixed flickering terrain in the Stygian Study journal room.

  • Community: Fixed being able to see under the water in the Echo Boots Heirloom when using free look.

  • Fixed bug where color trails were being applied twice to Orbiter hazards.

  • Fixed bug where Status Effect that applied invulnerability to enemies was not applying to summoned enemies.

  • Fixed bug where NPCs would sometimes play the wrong effects and sounds.

  • Fixed bug where Geras was not playing the correct animation when talking to him.

  • Fixed bug where Elpis was not playing the correct animation when talking and not entering her idle state when closing the Threads of Fate.

  • Community: Fixed bug where Tower exteriors would sometimes generate ledges that led to nowhere, causing you to fall out of bounds into the Tower wall terrain.

  • Community: Fixed bug where you could fall into a cloud and get permanently stuck in a loop of taking damage and teleporting your current position.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.1


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.4.3