Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.1

The Pizza Mundi Update came out a tad undercooked, so we’ve given it a little more time in the oven. As such, the latest patch addresses a few major bugs including soul amounts hitting negative numbers, lost upgrades in the Skill Tree (for skills relating to the Soul Shop), and player Mastery not properly leveling up in the Soul Shop. Since Pizza Mundi was not a regular-sized update, we’re keeping our fingers crossed the worst of it is over. But if you run into more issues, please let us know. An overwhelming number of these early fixes came from reports by the community, so we genuinely could not do it without your continued feedback and support.

- The Cellar Door Games Team


  • Fixed issue where Preserver of Life was loading players into the incorrect Scar challenge.

  • Fixed bug where some attacks were dealing bonus damage when they shouldn’t be while player is dashing.

  • Bouncy Spike damage lowered.

  • The game no longer minimizes when it loses focus while playing in Fullscreen Borderless mode.

  • Fixed bug where Limitless Potential Soul Shop item was not working.

  • Added a larger random interval time for NPCs eating pizza to reduce scenarios where the NPCs are all eating pizza at the same time.

  • Fixed potential crash bug with freezing flamers then exiting and re-entering a room.

  • Fixed bug where freezing a flying hammer while it was slamming would not stop the shockwave.

  • Fixed bug where the costs of the first tier of gear would be displayed as N/A if you could not afford it.

  • Fixed bug where purchasing the last available upgrade to an item in the Soul Shop would not play the purchase animation.

  • Souls spent is now mathematically calculated instead of stored as a variable to ensure the number of souls is always correct.

  • Fixed bug where souls rewarded for speaking to NPCs was not being saved correctly.

  • Fixed bug where Lamech was firing two projectiles inside each other for every one of the magma rocks when landing from the axe spin attack.

  • Fixed bug where Lamech would sometimes fire a seemingly random number of magma rock projectiles from the axe spin attack.

  • Fixed bug where you could spam the directional arrows when swapping to a subclass fast enough to make the weapon turn permanently white.

  • Fixed bug where the background for the resources displayed in the player HUD would not update to match the length of the string.

  • Fixed text positioning bug when the amount for transferring ore to aether (or vice versa) was too high.

  • Fixed bug where ore, aether, and soul amounts were not properly updating in the player HUD after a purchase in their respective shops.

  • Fixed bug where exiting the Drifthouse would make the Manor in the background disappear.

  • Fixed bug where Pizza fabled weapon was destroying resonant projectiles.

  • Fixed bug where the Pizza Girl would have a speech bubble above her head in the world if she had dialogue available at the Docks.

  • Fixed bug where calling the Camera Shake effect when the CinemachineBrain was disabled would cause an exception.

  • Fixed bug where some animations in the Skill Tree would constantly re-animate whenever you entered the Docks.

  • Fixed bug where merged special rooms were not having their special map icon updated correctly (mainly a fix for the Tower Boss icon not being marked as complete after defeating Irad).

  • Fixed bug where player could still fall through clouds and water if they collided with them in rapid succession.

  • Added logic to try and reposition the player to more solid ground when hitting a cloud or water, to prevent scenarios where the player just keeps dropping into the hazard forever.

  • Rewrote the Boss room logic for Byaaarith, to fix various scenarios where the game would flag the boss as beaten too early (you'd be rewarded the chest while enemies were still in the room) or too late (beating all enemies would not spawn the chest and soft-lock the player).

  • Temporarily disabled all traits that apply full-screen effects when viewing the Golden Door cutscene that triggers when beating an Estuary.

  • Fixed a bunch of spelling mistakes.

  • Fixed bug where a certain room in the study was not tracking the Chest icon state correctly.

  • Fixed bug where Resonant bouncy spikes could be dashed through.

  • Fixed bug where the traits info text could get misaligned if the string was long enough when first entering the Docks.

  • Fixed bug where killing an enemy and exiting the screen fast enough would result in coins appearing in the next room.

  • Fixed bug where Skill Tree icons for skills locked by the Soul Shop would not update until you left the Docks and came back.

  • Fixed bug where entering a Scar would revert your Skill Tree upgrades to their non-Soul Shop-enhanced maximum values.

  • Fixed Drowned and Scholar third-tier bonus text.

  • Fixed bug where the Living Safe would report incorrect numbers for your next Charon gold bonus goal if you had upgraded the maximum donation amount in the Soul Shop.

  • Fixed bug where meat and mana would magnetize to you even if they didn't hit water.

  • Fixed bug where eating meat/pizza as the Chef with max soup charges would use an incorrect calculation for how much to heal you, causing Pizza to heal the same amount of HP as meat.

  • Fixed bug where projectiles were sometimes turning too slowly.

  • Fixed bug where every profile on the Profile Select screen would display the currently active profile's soul count.

  • Fixed bug where Catalyst was applying damage boosts to all Commanders.

  • Fixed bug where players who entered Scars as a Pacifist would not receive an actual weapon to use for the Scar.

  • Fixed bug where Commanders were appearing in arenas and heirlooms.

  • Fixed bug where you could die multiple times in a Scar, resulting in a funky warp and black screen.

  • Fixed bug where certain relic effects were not being applied when loading a save file.

  • Fixed bug where the Challenge Complete screen was always displaying "00" for the milliseconds of the par time.


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.2


Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.0 – The Pizza Mundi Update