Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.8.1
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.8.1

We hope everyone had a joyous and restful holiday season! The last two weeks our team took a much-needed break, but now we’re back and ready to give it our all for the New Year. We are kicking things off with a patch to address a number of issues found with the Winter Gifts event.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.7.1
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.7.1

Despite it being an interim update, we had a hard time stabilizing the Haunted Hallows’ Eve, and released several hotfixes to address the problems. Our apologies for the rocky ride, but we hope fans still enjoyed the event and are looking forward to our next one.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.7.0 – The Haunted Hallows’ Eve Update
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.7.0 – The Haunted Hallows’ Eve Update

The dead have risen and monsters have taken over the world! Well, that’s the norm in Rogue Legacy 2, but now they’re celebrating Halloween! Creeping behind the Dragon’s Vow is the Haunted Hallows’ Eve, a frightening interim update to celebrate the upcoming holiday.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.2
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.2

We’re squeezing out another patch for the Dragon’s Vow. A slew of bugs have been addressed, as well as fixes for some regression issues brought up from the last patch.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.1
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.1

It’s been a week since the launch of the Dragon’s Vow update, and the patch has been given a healthy amount of time to settle. Despite a brief hiccup that required a hotfix, this release has been our smoothest yet, and while a number of bugs have reared their ugly heads since, most of them are fairly minor.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.0 – The Dragon’s Vow Update
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.6.0 – The Dragon’s Vow Update

The fourth major content update for Rogue Legacy 2 has landed with the Dragon’s Vow. Our original plan was to release a smaller, earlier patch following the Pizza Mundi, but seeing as this will be one of our last updates before v1.0, we decided to take our time and go all-out.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.2
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.2

We’re back with another bugfix patch for Rogue Legacy 2. We noticed people are still having trouble with the collision system at lower frame rates, so we’ve done yet another pass (fifth time’s a charm) on improving the logic.

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Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.1
Ryan Lee Ryan Lee

Rogue Legacy 2 – v0.5.1

The Pizza Mundi Update came out a tad undercooked, so we’ve given it a little more time in the oven. As such, the latest patch addresses a few major bugs including soul amounts hitting negative numbers, lost upgrades in the Skill Tree (for skills relating to the Soul Shop), and player Mastery not properly leveling up in the Soul Shop.

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